The Morning Briefing: UPenn’s Magill Shouldn’t Be the Only Domino to Fall

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Kelstrop felt that his “Tanning Beds and Sushi” concept just needed a more open-minded neighborhood to really take off. 


The spectacle of American college students angrily spewing hatred for Israel and professing support for Hamas has opened the eyes of a lot of people to the true state of Academia in the 21st century. As the esteemed Victor Davis Hanson says in his latest column, “the sheer student delight on news of the mass murdering of Israeli victims seemed akin more to 1930s Germany than contemporary America.”

After a House Committee on Education and the Workforce hearing last week about anti-Semitism on college campuses, we’re witnessing something not often seen when it comes to leftists in education: consequences. 

Rick has the news:

University of Pennsylvania President Elizabeth Magill, and the chairman of the board of trustees, Scott L. Bok, have both resigned after intense pressure from alumni, donors and members of Congress

Magill was hounded from office after a disastrous performance at a congressional hearing on antisemitism on American college campuses.

At the hearing, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik bored in on Magill’s equivocations, trying to elicit a clear response to a question about antisemitism.

“Calling for the genocide of Jews,” Ms. Stefanik asked, “does that constitute bullying or harassment?”

Ms. Magill replied, “If it is directed and severe, pervasive, it is harassment.”

Ms. Stefanik responded, “So the answer is yes.”

Ms. Magill said, “It is a context-dependent decision, congresswoman.”

Ms. Stefanik exclaimed: “That’s your testimony today? Calling for the genocide of Jews is depending upon the context?”

Yes, it was that bad.


I don’t like to celebrate anyone losing a job — it’s a horrible thing to have to go through. Magill more than likely won’t have to get in line for government cheese anytime soon though. I have, however, been calling for an overhaul of Academia for years now. 

Academics have been indoctrinating America’s youth with impunity for a very long time. They’ve had quite a racket going too. The price of higher education keeps skyrocketing, tenured professors and school administrators live comfortable lives while churning out a bunch of progressive anti-capitalists. 

Wealthy alumni who generously donate to their alma maters were unfazed by that for some reason. 

The frothing anti-Semitism has really caught the attention of the money people though, and that’s why we have at least seen one change so far. As my friend Jennifer Van Laar writes over at RedState, the presidents of MIT and Harvard are facing some heat from donors after their time on Capitol Hill last week. 

A few deposed university presidents aren’t going to change the toxic culture that got all the kids goosestepping, but public awareness can be a powerful thing. When the public starts withholding precious funding, the power grows. 

Attention spans are short here in the information age, however, and public awareness doesn’t have the shelf life that it used to. 

While I’m not much of a fan of the government getting involved in things, I am glad that the Republicans in the House have taken a respite from decimating their small majority and are looking into the plague of anti-Semitism on college campuses. We all know that these committee hearings rarely yield any concrete action. In this case, though, the more daylight on this hideous situation, the better. 


It’s one thing to know that campuses tilt leftward, but another entirely to see the presidents of three prestigious universities squirm when being asked to condemn calls for genocide. 

The rot in academia runs deep, and it’s not just the people at the top who should be sweating now. There will hopefully be more exposure and consequences while the spotlight is this hot. 

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