‘Shame on the UN’: Israeli Ambassador Bashes Hypocrisy on Human Rights Day

News & Politics

The Israeli ambassador to the United Nations (UN) highlighted that body’s total hypocrisy in pretending to stand for human rights while actually targeting Israel instead of blatant tyrannies.


The UN constantly promotes Palestinian terrorist propaganda against Israel. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his “experts” love to launch accusations against Israel of supposed genocidal violence, but fawn over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) — which is actually committing genocide

Israeli Amb. Gilad Erdan, who previously put on a yellow star to highlight the UN’s Nazi-like anti-Semitism, again emphasized UN hypocrisy on Dec. 10, “International Human Rights Day” because the UN supports the Palestinian and CCP leaders guilty of blatant lies and stunning crimes but can’t stop going after the Jewish democracy of Israel.

In a post to Twitter/X on Dec. 10, Erdan contrasted the UN’s anti-Israel campaigning to its treatment of terrorist-sponsoring Iran and Syria and dictatorial North Korea. “Today, the @UN marks International Human Rights Day,” he began. “Sadly, the UN doesn’t really care for human rights. Israel is less than one-tenth of one percent of the world’s population yet it receives 70%(!) of the UN’s condemnations — more than Iran, Syria, and North Korea combined!” 

If true, that’s a disturbing illustration of the UN’s anti-Semitism. Evidence of Hamas weapons stashed in UN buildings and UN schools training children as Islamic Jihadis has recently illustrated how anti-human rights the UN is. The UN is actively facilitating terrorism against Israel!


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Erdan continued, “In other words, Israel, a liberal democracy, receives most of the world’s condemnations, while serial human rights abusers are given a green light to continue their oppressive behavior. Shame on the UN!” 

Erdan was responding to a post from the UN with an insincere quote from Guterres: “International humanitarian law cannot be applied selectively. It is binding on all parties equally at all times & the obligation to observe it does not depend on reciprocity.” 

The trouble is that the UN never seems to apply it to the worst abusers of human rights. It is significant that the quote was from a meeting about the Middle East — was there a veiled critique of Israel here, or was Guterres for once referring to one of the Islamic dictatorships in that area?

The video in Erdan’s post noted that the UN Human Rights Council is more interested in attacking Israel than in addressing war crimes in Libya, election corruption in Somalia, and suppression of rights in Pakistan. 

“UN Human Rights Council, Fix Your House Before Judging Others,” the video concluded. The Council includes members from the three highlighted countries and other tyrannical governments, including genocidal China and terrorist-controlled Afghanistan. The CCP has backed Hamas over Israel. Meanwhile, the Biden administration keeps trying to play both sides.

RelatedBeware the UN in March: UN Secretary-General Loves to Flatter Terrorists and Tyrants


The UN has falsely labeled Israel an “apartheid state.” This accusation, straight from terrorist propaganda, ignores the facts that the “Palestinians” are an invented “people” with no right to claim Israeli land, that the Arabs have rejected their own state for decades in favor of trying to destroy Israel completely (though they already have a state: Jordan), and that terrorists, particularly Hamas, control the Palestinians.

Guterres even pontificated after the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks whose brutality shocked the world, “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.” The Secretary-General pushed terrorist propaganda, accusing Israel of “suffocating occupation.” 

Indeed, as an illustration of how entrenched this anti-Semitism is, as the recent heinous Hamas assault on Israel was happening, the UN tweeted about “Occupied Palestinian Territory” (a Palestinian propaganda term for Israeli land that they wrongly claim). The UN promotes Gaza casualty counts from Hamas to criticize Israel, which is somehow being blamed for Hamas using civilians as human shields, even despite Israeli evacuation efforts.

Erdan also posted, “Mr. Secretary-General, why don’t you care about the humanitarian catastrophe in Israel and the millions of Israelis still being attacked by missiles? Or the 300,000 Israelis displaced since the massacre? Why are you so focused only on helping terrorists survive? The meaning of a ceasefire in Gaza is that the Hamas reign of terror will continue‼️ Why do you want this reality to continue?”


It’s an excellent question. Maybe because the UN is hand-in-glove with the Palestinians. “Regrettably, the @UN, under your leadership, totally failed to act against and genuinely condemn terrorism,” Erdan told Guterres. “You failed to help release the kidnapped children and women being held in Gaza or even to allow the ICRC [International Committee of the Red Cross] to visit them.” 

Erdan was responding to a quote from Guterres, “I urged the Security Council to press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza & I reiterated my appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire. Regrettably, the Council failed to do it. ‌ But that does not make it less necessary. I promise: I will not give up.” Unfortunately, neither will the Arabs ever give up on trying to obliterate Israel.

The UN is not a champion of human rights. It is a forum for dictatorships, terrorists, and dozens of Muslim countries to gang up on Israel, even as Israel desperately fights for its survival in what is becoming a second Holocaust.

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