The Morning Briefing: Dumb and Drunker — Team Biden Wants Hillary’s Help

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Puszlow felt that he lacked the charcuterie skills to become the Chief Concessionaire at Yahtzee! Mania. 


Sometimes it’s best to just let the sheer insanity of the political times we live in entertain you. As I have written on many occasions, the 2024 United States presidential election is going to be both a slog and have a lunatic circus vibe to it. What little sanity I have left is kept intact because I’m able to let the political junkie in me kick back and enjoy the ride. 

We haven’t even gotten to 2024 yet and we’ve already had GOP debates where the frontrunner is a continual no-show, and the Democrats in a dead panic because they realize that Joe Biden will, in fact, be their nominee. 

This week, I really didn’t think that I would read anything more ridiculous than the story about Vivek Ramaswamy bringing a hot mic into the Little Republican’s room while he did his business. Then Matt wrote a story about just how desperate Joe Biden’s handlers are: 

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Joe Biden’s campaign is in real trouble. His approval ratings are garbage, Americans think he’s too old and not mentally fit to be president, and in the RealClearPolitics average, he loses in general election matchups against Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Nikki Haley.

Naturally, the Biden campaign has decided to unleash its secret weapon. And would you believe it? It’s Hillary Clinton.

I kid you not. According to NBC News, she hosted a fundraiser for Biden a couple of weeks ago. The report explains that Hillary “is popular with women and key parts of the Democratic base and remains a fundraising draw who can help ensure Biden has the money to get his message out.”


Talk about throwing things against the wall to see what sticks. 

Thanks to her husband’s enduring popularity, the Democratic elite still have a thing for Hillary Clinton. Maybe they’re just afraid of her. No one wants to end up getting Vince Fosterized, after all.  

I’m a bit skeptical about the notion that Granny Maojackets resonates with women in the Democratic base, especially in flyover country. She was the first Democrat in 32 years to lose Wisconsin. That’s not a ringing endorsement for being in touch with the regular folks in the party. 

Democrats still like to wax nostalgic for Hillary’s popular vote victory in 2016. It wasn’t all that it seemed, though. Her popular vote margin was California. If Biden’s people want to shore things up in a state that he’s already going to carry with ease, then Hillary Clinton is your woman. 

What strikes me most is that desperation like this in a campaign usually happens just a few months out from the election. And, yes, this is a sign of desperation. The very notion that Mrs. C. can bring some positives to the campaign is somewhere on the other side of absurd. Her 2016 team tried over 60 slogans to make her more likeable and better known to the voters. 

That was after she had been the First Lady of the United States and Secretary of State. 

Matt mentioned Biden’s dismal approval ratings and polling. My colleague Nick Arama at RedState writes about new swing state poll that doesn’t look good at all for Biden. We do have a long way to go before the election and polls are all served with a grain of salt, but the steady drumbeat of negativity is enough to have the campaign panicking. 


A lot of people truly believe that, as the news gets worse for Biden, the likelihood increases that some sort of exit from the race will occur, graceful or otherwise. I still don’t buy that. As I’ve said many a time, good luck getting his wife to quietly step aside. 

It’s going to be a rocky road for both parties next year. The big positive for the Republicans is that they don’t have to worry about Hillary Clinton hanging around with her bad mojo. 

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