WV SoS Drops the Mother of All 2020 Election Claims: ‘It Was Stolen By the CIA’

News & Politics

West Virginia’s secretary of state — and chief elections officer — Mac Warner came out and said what much of the nation has believed for a while.

“The election was stolen, and it was stolen by the CIA,” Warner declared during a recent debate between candidates for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. None of the other three candidates went so far with their 2020 election opinions.


Warner was an Army officer for years. He comes from a politically active family in West Virginia. And this isn’t the first time he dropped the “C” word when talking about 2020 election skullduggery.

FACT-O-RAMA! Former CIA chief James Woolsey admitted the CIA has been meddling in foreign elections for decades.

In a recent speech, Warner voiced his suspicions about the CIA and the FBI working together to steal the 2020 election for Gropey Joe Biden.

Following the 2020 election, Warner participated in a March for Trump rally and even carried a “Stop the Steal” sign.

Warner, who has experience overseeing elections in West Virginia, questioned how other states conducted their voting procedures, particularly Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

“So if somebody cast a vote, and it was supposed to be there by a deadline of Election Day, but then a state legislature or a governor or somebody else says, ‘No, we’re gonna let it go for three more days,’ if the legislature hasn’t done that, or if the Constitution says that’s not permissible, then we’re into — it’s not necessarily fraud, but it’s an impropriety or an irregularity that needs to be looked at by the highest court in the land to say, ‘Yes, that’s right,’ or ‘No, it’s not,’” Warner declared at the aforementioned “Stop the Steal” rally.


FACT-O-RAMA! Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson ordered her election clerks not to confirm signatures on mail-in ballots in 2020. She was clown-slapped later in court — only the state legislature can make or change election laws — but not until after Michigan had declared Biden the winner of the state’s electoral votes. Benson was also sued by Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) in an effort to get her to remove 26,000 dead people from the voters roll.

Warner’s beef with the CIA is their flat-out lie that the Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian disinformation.” He stated that the CIA showed its hand when former CIA chief Mike Morell “testified under oath to Jim Jordan that, yes, he colluded with Antony Blinken to sell a lie to the American people two weeks before the election for the very purpose of throwing the presidential election. How does it not get stolen if the FBI covers it up and Mark Zuckerberg pays $400 million to put his thumb on the scale? That’s not fair.”

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Warner is not alone. A poll last summer showed roughly one-third of Americans believe there was some shifty business in the 2020 election, and 69% of Republicans and right-leaning Independents believe the election was flat-out stolen.


Trump is pounding Biden in West Virginia polls by 37 points. Warner, though currently not leading in the primary polls, is a huge supporter of the former president and could easily win more support before the primary election in May 2024. His outspoken belief that the CIA stole the election is gaining him nationwide attention that his rivals are lacking. 

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