Biden’s Brokeback 2024 Campaign Strategy Leaks

The Biden handlers’ impotent 2024 campaign strategy has leaked into the media.

As one would expect, it largely consists of repeatedly calling Trump “literal Hitler” — which has pretty much been Trump’s opponents’ strategy since he strolled down that escalator.



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But perhaps if they just roll Brandon out onto stage for a few more haltering speeches to squint at the teleprompter and scream into the microphone about Democracy™, that strategy will turn things around after failing for eight years.

Via CNN (emphasis added):

The 2024 campaign year for President Joe Biden’s inner circle will largely be about carefully ratcheting up the intensity against Donald Trump, wary of voters becoming dulled to what they expect to be the former president’s ever wilder rhetoric and promises about what he would do if back in power.

Or, as some of the younger aides on Biden’s reelection campaign have been grimly joking, it’s about when to go “full Hitler” – when the leading Republican candidate’s speeches and actions go so far that the Biden team goes all the way to a direct comparison to the Nazi leader rather than couching their attacks by saying Trump “parroted” him.

The campaign so far, these aides believe, has essentially been Biden running against himself, and losing – with his approval ratings under 40%, anxiety about his age and the Democratic divide over his handling of the war the Israel-Hamas war. But they see the next few weeks of the Republican primary campaigns as an opportunity to persuade influencers and media into thinking about the race on their terms.

The biggest problem that Biden arguably has isn’t with swaying Republicans (lol) or independents; it’s with motivating his own base to turn out, as evidenced by his hemorrhaging support among key demographics in his coalition.


And they’re right to have no faith in their nominal leader. The merits/feasibility of any of these policy items aside, Biden began breaking campaign pledges on day one, including:

… And many more.

The otherwise loyal Democrat voters consternated about these broken promises already believe Trump is literally Hitler, and they still can’t, if current polling is to be believed, bring themselves to endorse the Brandon entity.

The reality is that no electioneering strategy, involving Hitler comparisons or otherwise — short of full-on election rigging or cancellation, and let’s not put it past them — is going to overcome the horrendous state of affairs under the current regime.

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