Pot, Meet Kettle: Kamala Harris Accuses Republicans of ‘Trying to Silence’ Voters

There’s one thing you can count on about Old Joe Biden and his trusty sidekick The Cackler: they will lie to you every chance they get. They will lie to you as easily as they breathe. And they’re masters of the left’s time-hallowed strategy of accusing their opponents of exactly what they themselves are doing. Alleged Vice President Kamala Harris did this yet again on Saturday.


Fresh from her Kwanzaa celebrations, Harris spoke in Myrtle Beach, S.C., where Democrats will go to the polls to affirm how much they love the Big Guy on Feb. 3. She was speaking at the 7th Episcopal District AME Church Women’s Missionary Society annual retreat and came equipped with a fresh steaming pile of Jan. 6 “insurrection” propaganda.

“Three years ago today, on Jan. 6, 2021,” she intoned solemnly, “when a mob violently attacked the United States Capitol, they used brutal force and fear to try to overturn the results of a free and fair election. They tried to overrule the votes of millions of Americans.” 

This is, of course, nothing whatsoever like what really happened on that day. The protesters were assembled in Washington because they believed that their votes had been overruled and that Old Joe Biden, Harris herself, and their henchmen were trying to “overturn the results of a free and fair election.”

Harris, on the other hand, tried to give her unfortunate audience the impression that the Capitol protesters knew full well that Old Joe had won the election and won it big and that they were determined, in their fascistic fury, to prevent the certification of the results and install Trump as dictator for life.

That’s the Democrats’ scenario of Jan. 6, the day the guy with Viking horns came within an ace of toppling the most powerful government on the face of the earth, and Harris wasn’t finished. “On that day,” she barreled on, “we saw violence, chaos, and lawlessness, but some so-called leaders still tried to mislead and gaslight by saying it was a peaceful protest.”


Related: Biden: Trump Speaks ‘the Same Exact Language Used in Nazi Germany’

Really, Kamala? Who did that? Trump told the protesters to proceed peacefully, but no one is claiming, as CNN did of a leftist anti-cop riot, that Jan. 6 was “mostly peaceful.” A Capitol Police officer killed pro-Trump protester Ashli Babbitt and has suffered no consequences because he is part of the leftist elite and she wasn’t.

All this was designed to fire up Harris’ audience to work to make sure that Old Joe gets four more years to be the mouthpiece for the people who are really running the Biden regime: “Let us not throw up our hands. It is time to roll up our sleeves. We were born for a time such as this and we love our country.” Harris also said, as if she were teaching a class of particularly dull-witted kindergarteners, “We fight to protect the sacred freedom to vote while they try to silence the voice of the people.”

Now wait a minute. As Reuters noted, “the Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear Trump’s appeal of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to kick him off the state’s ballot. Trump was removed from state ballots in Colorado and Maine, which he also appealed, following the argument the former president was ineligible according to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prevents individuals who took an oath to the Constitution and then engaged in insurrection from holding office.” The upshot of this is that in Colorado and Maine, and in other states that follow in their footsteps if the Supreme Court doesn’t put a stop to this madness, voters will not have the “sacred freedom to vote” if they wish to vote for Donald Trump.


It is extraordinary that states would be removing Trump from the ballot for a crime for which he has not been convicted. But the people doing this, of course, are Democrats, members of Harris’ own party, not the Republicans who are, in her twisted and self-serving scenario, trying to “silence the voice of the people.” 

For Harris and her ilk, the voice of the people must be heard and heeded, as long as the people give a full-throated endorsement of the Biden regime’s toxic stew of open borders, international weakness, skyrocketing inflation, and rising authoritarianism. Otherwise, the voice of the people must be silenced in the interests of protecting the voice of the people. Got it? You better.

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