Team Biden Goes Full Dictator, Demands Loyalty From Media in Gripefests at Campaign HQ

In what our buddy Matthew Foldi tweeted was reminiscent of communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping demanding “full loyalty” from state-run media, Semafor revealed on Sunday night that President Biden’s reelection team has been hosting “off-the-record trips for top political reporters and editors to” their campaign headquarters in Delaware for tongue-lashings about not only how they’re still not anti-Trump enough, but not obsequious enough to Biden.

Semafor’s Maxwell Tani explained that “high-ranking” officials helm the meetings and are viewed “as an opportunity to tell them what they’re getting wrong” with sources saying meetings with liberal apparatchiks from The New York Times and Washington Post featured “a coverage spreadsheet laying out areas where the team believes their reporting has fallen short.”

Puff pieces about Trump being uniquely dangerous? Check. Liberal think pieces disguised as news articles like this one to rig our constitutional republic to lock in liberal control? Check. Pieces bemoaning Biden’s a victim of his family members? Check (see here and here). Insisting the economy is just peachy? Check (see here, here, and here).

Absolutely laughable. These people really do want North Korean propaganda-like dominance. 

But, wait, there’s more: “In particular, campaign officials have chafed at some of the coverage of former President Donald Trump, feeling that outlets are too focused on his legal troubles and haven’t paid enough attention to some of his incendiary recent statements on the campaign trail.”

Have these people been living under a rock? Don’t they watch their own programming, like Rich, White, Liberal, Wine Mom Story Hour (aka MSNBC’s Deadline: White House with Nicolle Wallace)?

With reprogramming sessions still to come with outlets such as ABC, NBC, and state-funded NPR, he not surprisingly noted the airing of grievances with The Times were seen as “productive.”

Our friend Mollie Hemingway at the Federalist nailed it when analyzing the double standard of how the liberal press haven’t shown any outrage about this Mean Girl strategy: “Democrat privilege includes having corporate media 1000% in your pocket and being able to demand they turn up the propaganda even more. This is almost comical.”

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