Threats of a Wider War As Israeli Strike Takes Out Terror Commander in Lebanon

Score one for the good guys after an Israeli airstrike killed a senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon early Monday. Wissam al-Tawil’s car was reportedly hit — details are slim on exactly how — by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) in the Lebanese village of Majdal Selm not far from the border.


Reuters reported that one Hezbollah “security source” called it “a very painful strike,” and another warned that “things will flare up now.” The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) chief of staff, Lt. Col. Herzi Halevi, warned this weekend that Hezbollah will either pull back due to military actions taken by the IDF “or we will get to another war.”

Now? Hezbollah has been intermittently attacking Israeli Defense Force positions and civilians with shells and rockets since the Hamas War began on October 7 in and around the Gaza Strip. Hezbollah is a proxy of the Mullahs’ Regime in Iran and has been at war with Israel, via its bases in Lebanon, since its founding in 1985. Hezbollah’s “struggle will end only when this entity [Israel] is obliterated,” according to the group’s charter.

The strike that killed al-Tawil followed Jerusalem’s warning of “another war” after Hezbollah forces in Lebanon hit an Israeli air traffic control base in Mount Meron on Saturday. The IDF said that air operations were not affected thanks to backup systems already in place. Al-Tawil’s blackened corpse would seem to serve as proof that IAF air operations are still functioning just fine, thank you very much.


There are at least two ironies here because this is the Middle East and, of course, two ironies is the bare minimum required by international law and millennia-old practice. 

The first is that Presidentish Joe Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is back in the Middle East this week to discourage exactly the kind of decisive action that the IAF took Monday in Lebanon. Just the latest in “a long parade of Biden national security officials to meet face to face with the Israeli government,” according to CNN, a U.S. official told the network that Blinken is going to Israel to hector and nag (my words, not theirs) the Israeli government into stepping back the scale and scope of its military operations. 

“We don’t tell Israel what to do, but at the same time, as close allies, these are tough conversations that you can only have as friends where you ask the hard questions,” the official told CNN. “You ask, ‘Well, what is your objective? What is your angle? How do you intend to achieve it? What do you think is realistic? Have you considered this, have you considered that?’”

There’s nothing quite like micromanagement from afar by a “friendly” government infested with Hamas sympathizers to help a nation win a war, don’t you think?


The second irony is that anyone who still believes that Hamas and Hezbollah actions can be somehow separated is a blithering idiot, but you already knew that about Biden and Blinken. Both terrorist organizations are Iranian proxies, and both are dedicated to killing every Jew they can until either they’re all dead or have at least fled the region. Then they’ll go to town on any Christians, unbelievers, gays, feminists, etc.

But getting back to Monday’s IAF strike and White House warnings against Jerusalem sparking a wider war, there’s only one thing to say.

There already is a wider war — and that’s because Biden and Blinken’s negotiating partners in Tehran ordered a wider war. 

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