Georgia Congressman Announces RAZOR Act to Support Texas’ Right to Defend Its Border

News & Politics

The border crisis in Texas is turning into a faceoff between the state and federal governments. Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) has deployed the Texas National Guard to the border for security, and the state placed razor wire along the border that the feds are removing.


Abbott released a statement on Wednesday asserting the Lone Star State’s right to secure its border:

Other governors have come out in support of Abbott and his actions. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) pledged that his state “will keep assisting Texas with personnel and assets,” while Gov. Kevin Stitt (R-Okla.) declared that “Oklahoma stands with Texas.” Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-Va.) said that Abbott “is doing the job Joe Biden and his border czar refuse to do to secure our border, and Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) announced, “Enough is enough. Our southern border is in crisis thanks to the Biden administration’s refusal to do their job,” adding that Abbott “and the state of Texas have our full support.”

Another elected official from the Peach State is expressing his support for Texas in the form of legislation in the House. Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.), who I’m proud to say is my congressman, announced legislation that he will sponsor that aims to make sure the feds don’t mess with Texas.

Representative Mike Collins (R-Ga.) announced that he will introduce the Restricting Administration Zealots from Obliging Raiders (RAZOR) Act,” reads a press release from Colins’ office. “The legislation would ban the federal government, including the U.S. Border Patrol, from removing or otherwise altering any state-constructed barriers installed to mitigate illegal immigration.”


“The bill comes following the Supreme Court’s decision to affirm the Biden administration’s policy directing the Border Patrol to cut razor wire installed by the state of Texas along the U.S.-Mexico border,” the release adds.

“President Biden is aiding and abetting illegal aliens who are swarming our border and raiding our country’s resources,” said Collins. “Why else would he try to stop the state of Texas from turning them back to Mexico? With the Supreme Court siding with the America Last policies of the Biden administration, Congress must stand with Governor Greg Abbott as he fights for the sovereignty of his state and our nation.”

Reps. Monica de la Cruz (R-Texas) and Anthony Desposito (R-N.Y.) have lent their support to Collins as co-sponsors of the RAZOR Act.


It’s encouraging to see Republicans rallying around Texas and its efforts to secure its border. Steps like these are what we need to take to bring an end to this border crisis.

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