Univision’s Jorge Ramos Is PAINED By Amnesty Being Left Out Of Biden Border Deal

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, during an interview with U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX), expressed surprise and pain over the fact that the current border deal being negotiated between the Senate and the White House contains no provision to legalize anyone in the country illegally.

Here’s your periodic reminder that Univision, as currently constituted, remains an immigration-advocacy PAC with a broadcast license: 

JORGE RAMOS: I want to ask you about the negotiations in Washington, in Congress, for an immigration package that, if approved, would allow U.S. aid to Ukraine. Democrats and Republicans apparently do not agree, and it surprises and pains me, Congressman, that at no time in the conversations is there any talk of legalizing undocumented immigrants. It appears that this has been cast aside.

US REP. HENRY CUELLAR: Yes, I totally support immigration reform, I support the DREAM Act- the DREAMers, I support DACA, I support a temporary work (permit) where they can come to work, I support all of this, but you know that the Republicans who, right now they control the House of Representatives, they don’t want to talk about immigration reform, they just want to talk about border security, and that is the problem we have – which for me is a complete package that we must see, but right now, very frankly, the Republicans control the House of Representatives, and they just want to talk about the border and nothing else.

There were plenty of moments to choose from during this interview, but this one seemed the most egregious inasmuch as- and, again, this is what Univision continually chooses to indulge, you have Ramos injecting himself and his personal opinion into his coverage of a story. 

The general purpose of this interview was to suggest that Mexico should not act to restrict northward migrant flows, that there really isn’t such a thing as a migrant crisis, and that it is awful that the border deal does not include a massive grant of amnesty. Consider this gem of a question:

In the month of December, 300,000 people entered illegally from Mexico into the United States. This, for many, is unsustainable. The question is whether there is a crisis at the border and whether you have a solution.

If 300,000 illegal entries isn’t proof evident of a crisis, then what is? Rep. Cuellar goes out of his way to explain how the border is overwhelmed, without actually saying the word “crisis”. 

This is what passes for serious talk on immigration at Univision.

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned interview as aired on Univision’s Al Punto on Sunday, January 28th, 2024:

JORGE RAMOS: This week, a bipartisan group of legislators met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to talk about the border. One of those legislators was Democratic Congressman Henry Cuéllar of Texas. Congressman Cuéllar, thank you for being here with us again on the program.

US REP. HENRY CUELLAR (D-TX): Thank you, Jorge.

RAMOS: You met this week with the president of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and many are asking whether Mexico should become the immigration police of the United States and its waiting room, that is, whether the border should not be controlled in Mexico. 

CUELLAR: Well, first of all…Mexico should not do the work for the United States, point number one. But point number two, we know that when we talk about immigration, it is something that together, the United States and Mexico, must work together as partners, yes. But to just do the work for the United States, no.

RAMOS: What, then, should Mexico do for the United States? Because the program known as “Remain in Mexico” was implemented during President Trump’s administration and then under President Biden. Should this continue?

CUELLAR: First- Mexico has more people working in immigration than we have Border Patrol. Point number one. They spend billions of dollars doing this security or immigration, a lot of money, they said that right now they are putting people who do not qualify on deportation planes to Venezuela and other countries. Mexico knows that right now many people are entering, and they are taking their steps to control the border they have with Guatemala.

RAMOS: Congressman, let me jump to the border where you are, which you know better than anyone. In the month of December, 300,000 people entered illegally from Mexico into the United States. This, for many, is unsustainable. The question is whether there is a crisis at the border and whether you have a solution.

CUELLAR: The system we have right now cannot handle the large numbers of people we are taking in. This is something – there is no doubt that we cannot handle those big numbers. That is the problem we have with immigration. Regarding security, it is important to note that when we talk about crime, crime on the border is lower than in many parts of cities, than in other parts of the nation, that’s because some colleagues of mine often put crime and immigration together, but it is important to note that they are two different issues, but they get lumped together from time to time.

JORGE RAMOS: I want to ask you about the negotiations in Washington, in Congress, for an immigration package that, if approved, would allow U.S. aid to Ukraine. Democrats and Republicans apparently do not agree, and it surprises and pains me, Congressman, that at no time in the conversations is there any talk of legalizing undocumented immigrants. It appears that this has been cast aside.

US REP. HENRY CUELLAR: Yes, I totally support immigration reform, I support the DREAM Act- the DREAMers, I support DACA, I support a temporary work (permit) where they can come to work, I support all of this, but you know that the Republicans who, right now they control the House of Representatives, they don’t want to talk about immigration reform, they just want to talk about border security, and that is the problem we have – which for me is a complete package that we must see, but right now, very frankly, the Republicans control the House of Representatives, and they just want to talk about the border and nothing else.

RAMOS: Let me jump in and we’ll end with this about – about the race that seems to indicate that it’s going to be Donald Trump against President Joe Biden. The polls suggest, Congressman, that Joe Biden this year, contrary to what happened four years ago, is losing in the polls and the perception of some voters, in accordance, again, with the numbers, is that President Biden is a weak president- politically and physically. What is your perception and what is your plan to win?

RAMOS: Well, we hope that President Biden wins again. I look at the polls, there is still time, but this- we can, — the president can take the steps to win, because he is going to win, but it is in some areas, starting with immigration, where the Democrats and President Biden are (polling) very low, where the American public wants to have practical solutions for what we are seeing here at the border.

RAMOS: Congressman Henry Cuéllar, thank you very much for speaking with us.

CUELLAR: Jorge, my pleasure.

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