Exclusive: J6 Prisoner on Weaponized Government and the Truth of Jan. 6

Jake Lang says worked to save lives on Jan. 6 while protesting at the Capitol amidst police violence. Now, he’s been in jail without trial for three years. Lang discussed Jan. 6, a weaponized justice system, terrible prison conditions, and the bias of the Washington, D.C., jury pool in exclusive comments to PJ Media.


Lang is a Trump supporter who got caught up in the Jan. 6, 2021, protests and says he tried to protect people from injury and death. Lang claims he rescued fellow protestor Philip Anderson from a stampede. As the late Rosanne Boyland was crushed under a police-induced stampede that day, Lang saved Anderson from a similar death.

Lang has been indicted on charges of

Civil Disorder; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Assaultin [sic], Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Aiding and Abetting; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings

The DOJ claims Lang was confronting police with a bat. Lang pleaded not guilty on all charges in 2021. PJ Media’s Megan Fox previously reported Lang’s explanation of events:

He claims it was in self-defense and in the defense of others who were suffocating to death and being trampled. Lang also claims he did not bring the bat but found it on the ground. Lang says that police were attacking people, including Roseanne Boyland, who died after being pulled out from the bottom of a pile of people Lang says police created.


Others have corroborated the description of excessive police force and even brutality on Jan. 6, particularly related to the tunnel and Rosanne Boyland’s death, as The Epoch Times reported.

Lang was involved in the episode where law enforcement deployed crowd-control gas in a tunnel on Jan. 6, causing a fracas where some protesters tussled with police and others stampeded to escape, trampling people under their feet (including Boyland). Lang has not yet been on trial or sentenced, so no court has decided on his conduct one way or another. Read below for Lang‘s description of why he and others are in jail and why that D.C. jail is such a horrible place to be.

Lang began his comments to me with his message straight to the American people, on his opinion of what really happened on Jan. 6 and why the fate of the Jan. 6 prisoners is so important (listen to it below). He noted that he has been in jail for more than three years without trial, let alone conviction, and moved about until finally landing in the nightmarish Washington, D.C., prison that he and others call The Gulag. 

“I’ve been held in Purgatory, moved to 13 different prisons. I am a hostage of the Joe Biden regime,” Lang said.

He accused “Communist” Democrats of being the ones actually guilty of a “coup d’etat” to help “puppet regime leader” Biden, rather than the supposedly insurrectionist Jan. 6 protestors. The Democrats certainly weaponized Jan. 6 to legitimize Joe Biden and delegitimize anyone who questioned the 2020 election results (even though Democrats constantly question elections where Republicans are victors, like in 2016). 


“I was there to patriotically and peacefully protest like Donald Trump told us to go down there and do,” Lang insisted. “We were attacked by the Capitol police… and we ended up defending ourselves and defending this country from a grave, grave day.”

Then “the persecution” began, the federal campaign that has led to the arrests of over 1,200 Jan. 6 protestors, including Lang, who called this “the movement of our times, one of the saddest political… situations to ever occur in America, where, you know, every day, citizens — brave American… firefighters, former Marines, schoolteachers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and entrepreneurs like myself were wrangled up by the FBI, and our doors kicked in, our families frightened at gunpoint, and [were] dragged away to The Gulag.” 

An investigation by lawmakers and a court ruling previously found evidence to corroborate reports from Jan. 6 prisoners that they were (and are) being denied not only their rights but even basic necessities like medical care and hygiene products in D.C. The prisoners have since started a fund to raise money to obtain these basic necessities.


In that “Gulag,” Lang stated, “we’ve been denied due process, denied our Constitutional rights against cruel and unusual punishment, against unbiased juries. And we have been pushing every single day since for the freedom of the Jan. 6ers and for President Trump to be reelected in 2024 in order that he could pardon these brave men and women who risked everything to defend this country on Jan. 6.” We now have video footage suggesting that Capitol police may have used excessive force on Jan. 6, confirming the argument that the killings of Rosanne Boyland and Ashli Babbitt that day by police were not extreme exceptions.

Lang also emphasized poll data published by The Epoch Times on the extreme bias Jan. 6 prisoners face in the D.C. jury pool, supporting the argument that they can receive no objective trial in that city, where many of them are imprisoned. 

Stay tuned here to PJ Media for parts two and three of my interview with Lang about the D.C. “Gulag” and shocking statistics on the biases of the Washington, D.C., jury pool, which is overwhelmingly predisposed against all Jan. 6 prisoners, peaceful or not.

For Our VIPsJan. 6 and the Corruption of the FBI Quota System

Some experts and media personalities have argued that Jan. 6 could have been a case of the years-long federal practice of entrapment (luring individuals into committing a crime they did not intend to commit). Read more about federal entrapment from FBI whistleblower Steve Friend.


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