Horrifying New Video Shows Biden’s Asylum Scammers Dogpiling NYPD Officers

News & Politics

Trump’s latest campaign ad just dropped. Horrifying video of an attack by Biden’s pseudo-legal aliens on New York’s Finest hit the news this morning. 

Around 8:30 on Saturday night, two NYPD officers told a rowdy group of migrants to move along West 42nd Street, where they were being disruptive. A scuffle with one of the Newest Americans broke out, and the officers wrestled him to the ground — and then the rest of the pack dogpiled them. The officers were kicked and punched before the precious asylees fled down 42nd Street. 


Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, 19, Kelvin Servat Arocha, 19, Juarez Wilson, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24, were all soon arrested, charged with assault, and — all together now — released without bail. Jhoan Boada, 22, was arrested Monday night and charged with attempted assault of a police officer, and also set free. The quintet has presumably returned to the shelters, where they will continue to sponge off Americans and crap on our laws.

The officers were treated at the scene. They suffered contusions and facial lacerations, but they’ll be okay. I’m old enough to remember when laying a hand on a uniformed officer was a felony and was treated as such, but that was long before St. George of Floyd upended our civilized social order.

Poignantly, the attack report on FOX 5’s “Good Day New York” was followed immediately by news that the House has advanced articles of impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for his breathtaking refusal to do his job and enforce the law. 


Democrats, projecting as always, claim the process is a political hit job. They accuse Republicans of not wanting to solve the crisis they’ve created because House leaders refuse to pass a new immigration bill. Republicans are right not to do so, of course — the new bill would codify the entrance of 5,000 asylum scammers per day. 

There is no gain in passing new, weaker laws when adequate law on the subject already exists. I’ve previously written about it here at PJ Media: 

I am so sick of hearing that the United States has a “broken” immigration system. There is nothing wrong with America’s immigration system. It’s a system of laws passed by the people’s duly elected representatives that enables limited and orderly immigration. There are further limited exceptions for refugees fleeing legitimate persecution. It’s an honorable, decent, growth-enabling system.


First of all, let’s get one thing straight: the hordes flooding over our border, overwhelming our towns, and bleeding our social safety net dry are not “asylum seekers.” … In truth, they are overwhelmingly asylum scammers.

According to our not-at-all-broken, democratically passed law, an alien may seek asylum if s/he is “unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of [his/her] country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.”

Asylum is not for aliens who “came here to work hard” or who “want to provide a better life for their children” or who have “no opportunity in their home country.” That’s unfortunate, but it is emphatically not a legitimate reason to be granted asylum. And entering my country illegally (which my family entered legally) and then lying on your federal asylum request is grounds for prompt removal, according to our perfectly good, popularly and properly passed laws. An American who lies on or falsifies a federal application commits a felony. Just ask the president’s son.


I went on to note that what we have here is not a broken immigration system, but a broken enforcement system:

It is one thing for an administration to exercise prosecutorial discretion. After all, there are limited resources, and part of effective governance involves the competent deployment of the people’s treasure. It’s another thing altogether for a president to be utterly derelict in his duty to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. And it’s still another, even worse thing to actively work against the laws.

Related: Watching the Irish Give Up Turf

In New York City, Biden and Mayorkas’s legacy plays out daily. Asylum scammers continue to romp around the Big, Rotten Apple, merrily shoplifting businesses into oblivion, burning down buildings with their off-brand lithium-ion batteries, and mowing down New Yorkers with their e-bikes and uninsured vehicles in hit-and-run incidents. Lawlessness breeds lawlessness. And we taxpayers have the privilege of bankrolling all of it.

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