OUCH: Joy(less) Reid forced to apologize after she was caught denouncing Biden on hot mic

News & Politics

It’s hard not to gloat when a host from “the televised mental institution known as MSNBC” is caught blasting Biden when she thought her microphone was turned off.

That’s exactly what happened to Joy Reid recently.

Dave Rubin plays a clip of Reid accidentally spilling her true thoughts about the president.

“Over the weekend, President Biden said he’s ready to take action if Congress is serious about solving the border issue,” Reed began before airing a clip of Biden announcing that he would “shut down the border right now and fix it quickly” if only Congress would “get it done.”

However, Reid evidently assumed that her mic was turned off during the Biden clip because viewers can clearly hear her mumble “starting another f***ing war” in the background.

“Did Joy Reid just say the quiet part out loud?” laughs Dave, adding that he loves it when these “pre-programmed robots who are just paid by the machine to spout nonsense” start “breaking down.”

After a commercial break, Reid came back on and apologized for her comment.

“So, I just want to apologize very quickly. I was chatting during a clip that was playing, and you know we try to keep this show very PG-13, so I just want to apologize to anyone who is listening to my behind the scenes chatter. I deeply, deeply apologize for that,” she said.

Dave is wholly unimpressed with Reid’s phony apology.

“Think how reverse that is from what I do here,” he says, admitting that he speaks his mind truthfully regardless of whether or not people love him or hate him for it.

“Do you think when we throw to a clip that I’m turning to [the producers] and being like, ‘Here’s how I really feel about that’? It’s such profound, evil BS.”

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