CBS, NBC Censor DOJ Probe into The Squad’s Cori Bush for Alleged Misuse of Donor Money

News & Politics

Between Tuesday and Wednesday, CBS and NBC have ignored their announcement of a Justice Department probe into far-left Congresswoman and Squad member Cori Bush (D-MO) on their flagship morning and evening newscasts. The probe, which reportedly concerns using campaign funds to pay her now-husband to be her bodyguard, is a scandal that could be used against her fellow Democrats, so CBS and NBC made sure to bury it.

The only segment came on Wednesday’s Good Morning America with a very short, 58-second report on the ABC News program.

Co-host and former Clinton official George Stephanopoulos began: “Democratic Congresswoman Cori Bush is now under federal investigation facing allegations that she misused campaign funds by hiring her husbands for her security team.”

Chief Justice correspondent Pierre Thomas had the live report from Washington, fretting Bush “is having her ethics questioned and is acknowledging she is facing a Justice Department investigation.”

Continuing this tone of defensiveness toward Bush, Thomas added that Bush having “her husband as a paid member of a congressional security staff appears to be the issue” despite her insistence that “she needs him due to ongoing threats to her life.”

Thomas threw more mud on the concerns by her own party’s Justice Department, implying this is only to assuage “a complaint to the FEC by a right-wing PAC accus[ing] Bush of illegally funneling $60,000 of campaign funds to her husband, who it claims is not a licensed security professional.”

He wrapped by fretting that even though “[t]he Office of Congressional Ethics…investigated the security allegations last year and dismissed them,” this “is clearly not resolved, so it now appears DOJ and perhaps Congress will have to resolve this issue one way or the other.”

That’s it.

58 seconds of behaving like a possible case of Democratic corruption is a chore to them.

Instead of covering this liberal scandal, Wednesday’s CBS Mornings touted a Chinese woman leaving her $2.8 million fortune to her pets instead of her children because she said they never visited her when she fell ill. And, on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News, they had a full segment touting the release of the Apple Vision virtual reality headset. It’s starting price-tag? Roughly $3,500.

To see the relevant transcript from January 31, click “expand.”

ABC’s Good Morning America
January 31, 2024
7:11 a.m. Eastern

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: New This Morning; Congresswoman Under Federal Investigation; Rep Cori Bush Faces Scrutiny Over Hiring Husband for Security Team]

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Also on Capitol Hill, Democratic Congresswoman Cori Bush is now under federal investigation facing allegations that she misused campaign funds by hiring her husbands for her security team. Chief Justice correspondent Pierre Thomas has the story. Good morning, Pierre.

PIERRE THOMAS: George, good morning. Today’s — House Democrat Cori Bush of Missouri is having her ethics questioned and is acknowledging she is facing a Justice Department investigation. Bush’s use of her husband as a paid member of a congressional security staff appears to be the issue. She claims he has security experience and that she needs him due to ongoing threats to her life. But a complaint to the FEC by a right-wing PAC accuses Bush of illegally funneling $60,000 of campaign funds to her husband, who it claims is not a licensed security professional. The Office of Congressional Ethics, however, investigated the security allegations last year and dismissed them. The matter is clearly not resolved, so it now appears DOJ and perhaps Congress will have to resolve this issue one way or the other. George?

STEPHANOPOULOS: Pierre Thomas, thanks.

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