Biden Makes Vulgar Comments About Trump

News & Politics

Do you remember when we were promised a return to decency with Joe Biden in the White House? Sure, the economy sucks, the border is wide open, and wars are being started all over, but hey, no more mean tweets!


The truth is, of course, that Biden is a far more horrible person than Donald Trump. He literally uses the death of his first son to shield himself from criticism and even lies by repeatedly claiming that his son died in combat in Iraq — even to real Gold Star families. There are plenty of other lies Biden isn’t above telling, but that one takes the cake.

It’s hard not to wonder where Biden’s reputation for decency came from, especially since he repeatedly proves that decency is not a characteristic he possesses. One can’t help but wonder if he even tries. For example, Politico has just leaked the details of some of Biden’s private comments regarding former President Donald Trump… and they’re anything but decent.

“President JOE BIDEN has a reputation for salty language behind closed doors,” the report claims. I’m not sure how true that really is, because whenever Biden says something “salty” the media likes to play it off as something newsworthy. Clearly, the forthcoming election has made them tweak the narrative, and his use of expletives is now being treated as a sign of him being a regular guy and not some stiff politician, whose anger has driven him to let loose with some unsavory language.

The president has described Trump to longtime friends and close aides as a “sick f**k” who delights in others’ misfortunes, according to three people who have heard the president use the profane description. According to one of the people who has spoken with the president, Biden recently said of Trump: “What a f***ing a**hole the guy is.” 

The White House declined to comment.

The epithets may cut against the image Biden often projects as someone eager to take down the level of incivility and acrimony in politics. But they also illustrate a core anger he has developed toward the man he ousted from office and may very well face again.


This is the same guy who has been caught on camera engaging in inappropriate behavior with women, accompanied by suggestive comments directed at young girls. Yet Trump is the sick one? That’s rich. I guess this is just another example of a Democrat accusing a Republican of something of which he himself is guilty.

For our VIPs: Joe Biden May Be the Worst Human Being to Occupy the Oval Office

“It’s a shame that Crooked Joe Biden disrespects the presidency both publicly and privately,” senior Trump campaign adviser Chris Lacivita told Politico. “But then again, it’s no surprise he disrespects the 45th president the same way he disrespects the American people with his failed policies.”

Of course, I don’t doubt that Trump has used some colorful language about Biden in private either. But it’s just funny that this narrative of feisty, angry Biden is coming out now — at a time when his physical and mental frailties are major liabilities for him just before the election. I doubt anyone is actually convinced that Biden is a lively, vigorous person because he knows a few curse words.

With a Trump-Biden rematch now all but certain, you can bet that the mainstream media will do everything possible to boost Biden. PJ Media can be your antidote to all the news. By becoming a VIP member, you’ll directly support our hard-hitting journalism and commentary and give us the tools we need to fight, report the facts, and beat the Big Tech censors who don’t want the truth exposed.


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