Dem Paradise: Squatters Occupy 1,200 Atlanta Homes, Open Strip Club

News & Politics

In the latest episode on Democrat Urban Utopia, squatters are reportedly taking over hundreds of Atlanta homes, terrorizing neighbors, and even opening an illegal strip club.


Police response to evict the squatters is so delayed that some desperate homeowners have actually bribed the intruders to leave, according to the New York Post. Whole neighborhoods have been ruined by the horde of squatters. Local home-cleaning company manager Matt Urbanski emphasized the severity of the crisis, saying, “I’d be terrified in Atlanta to lease out one of my properties.”

He should know, as he cleans out homes for “corporate landlords,” according to the Post. Not only does Urbanski have to clear out squatters’ belongings, but one of his employees was also shot following his recent attempt to get squatters off private property.

Crime is a severe problem in Democrat-run Atlanta, which had record-breaking homicides in 2021. While violent crime reportedly decreased in Atlanta in 2023, car thefts shot up. PJ Media’s Chris Queen, who has lived in metro Atlanta his whole life, noted that Democrat soft-on-crime policies likely contribute to the squatter crisis. 

“Certain parts of metro Atlanta — the areas under total Democrat control — are looking the other way when it comes to crime, so it’s no surprise that criminals are getting bolder and more creative,” Queen said.


From the New York Post, Feb. 6:

Brazen squatters even opened an illegal strip club on a property they had taken over — one of the 1,200 homes which has been squatted in the city, according to the National Rental Home Council (NRHC) trade group

Simon Frost, CEO of large-scale landlord Tiber Capital Group, said there have been incidents of unlawful occupants brandishing weapons and threatening neighbors, which affects the safety of neighborhoods and other residents, according to Bloomberg.

While evicting squatters through the police and legal process can be slow, squatters can search online listings and even use virtual real estate agents to locate vacant properties quickly, the Post explained.

Last year, four squatters took over a five-bedroom house in a South Fulton area neighborhood and quickly made their mark. The squatters “ran [a] clandestine strip club, held noisy parties, and even organized car races in the street, ruining the neighborhood for others,” the Post said. One neighbor claimed the squatters even had “live horses.” When a SWAT team finally managed to clear out the residence, the stolen items they found included two cars, a weapon, and credit cards.


One neighbor was too terrified to take a vacation lest squatters take over immediately. “Is this even America anymore? We are homeowners and we can’t even do anything about trespassers?”

Meanwhile, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Dahlia Daure‘s $500,000 Atlanta-area home had a squatter who was already convicted on gun, drug, and theft charges! Police wouldn’t get involved, and serving eviction papers had no impact. Daure finally got the police to help with an “obscure law,” the Post explained, and both drugs and guns were found in her home.

Democrat policies only help criminals while punishing law-abiding citizens. Let’s hope citizens remember that at the ballot box in November.

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