Denver Deprives Citizens to Fund Illegals, Mayor Blames Congress

News & Politics

As Denver cuts funding for American citizens’ jobs and programs to keep supporting illegal aliens who shouldn’t be in the country at all, the city’s Democrat mayor is whining about Congressional Republicans.


PJ Media’s Rick Moran reported that Denver was among the cities cutting costs to deal with the flood of illegal immigrants who continue to invade this country with minimal to no vetting under Joe Biden. The Epoch Times also noted that Democrat Denver Mayor Mike Johnston blames Republicans in Congress for the cutbacks, since GOP congressmen (at least temporarily) killed the disastrous border deal. In other words, Johnston refuses to admit that his city is wrongly welcoming and prioritizing illegals with taxpayer money; instead, he demands more taxpayer money to cover for his Party’s financial foolishness.

The Epoch Times explained that the $18 million of cutbacks per month to address the significant budget gap include reduced operating hours, job cuts, and other measures. But illegal aliens will still receive taxpayer money. In fact, as PJ Media’s Stephen Green reported in January, Denver’s multimillion-dollar experimental universal basic income program was even opened to illegals.

Ironically, Johnston claimed Denver “want[s] to be a city that provides all of our constituents with the services they deserve and the services that they expect. We want to do both of those. We have to find a way to deliver shared sacrifice to try to manage those values in the road ahead.” Except that illegal aliens aren’t his constituents; the citizens losing jobs and facing other cutbacks are. Don’t get me wrong, I suspect Denver’s government is bloated and spends more than it should even without illegals; pretty much every government entity in America does. The point is that Democrats consistently prioritize law-breakers and foreigners over American citizens (and legal immigrants).


But Johnston, in true Democrat style, prefers to play the blame game rather than admit the real issue here. From Epoch Times:

Mr. Johnston frontloaded his press briefing with criticism of Republicans in Washington over a blocked bipartisan border bill, indicating that its failure to clear Congress was why he was making cuts in the Colorado city.

Mr. Johnston said a resolution in Congress would have helped ease the burden on the city to provide services for illegal immigrants, whom he referred to as “newcomers.”

The border bill would have simply masked the unsustainable border crisis without solving anything. Johnston, however, only cares that he didn’t get as much unconstitutional funding for illegals as he had hoped.

                    RelatedGOP Reps. Slam ‘Spineless Sell-Out’ Border Deal

“[Republicans] would have rather seen it fail so they could exacerbate these problems, extend the suffering of the American people, and for newcomers for their own election chances this November,” Johnston whined. In reality, the border deal would not have solved any problems, and would simply have continued to facilitate the border crisis that is hurting Americans.


But Johnston is in favor of giving illegals entering America work authorization, because that would bring with it federal resources, Epoch Times stated. “Without any federal support, without any work authorization, without changes to policy, we are going to have to make changes in terms of what we can do with our city budget and what we can do in terms of support for newcomers when they arrive,” the Democrat mayor griped. Or you could stop welcoming and funding law-breaking “newcomers.” Just a suggestion, Mayor Johnston.

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