Wyoming GOP sides with the health cartel to keep parents in the dark

News & Politics

Wyoming Republicans recently blocked efforts to ban the chemical castration of minors. Naturally, legislators also want to ensure that parents have limited access to the medical records of their children. This way, state authorities are free to promote vaccination of minors — and anything else that disguises the spirit of the age in the cloak of medical care.

That is the sorry situation in what should be the most conservative state in the country.

Anthony Fauci’s worldview is thriving in the Cowboy State.

Last spring, Wyoming parents in the Banner Health system in Natrona County, where Casper is the county seat, received a startling notice. They were informed they would no longer have access to their children’s online health records after their 12th birthdays. Parents were locked out of the patient portals. The hospital also reserved the right to withhold other information, even if requested.

Given the insidious trend of grooming children and keeping parents in the dark — both in the context of education and health care — state Rep. Jeanette Ward (R-Casper) called Banner for clarification. She was told that state law provides that kids 12 and older may obtain tobacco cessation treatments without parental consent. The trouble is that the health care provider was using that fairly narrow provision as an excuse to block all access to all records online.

It isn’t hard to imagine all sorts of “public health” agenda items — from abortions and castrations to forced vaccinations — that the health care cartel would love to shield from parents.

At the first opportunity, Ward introduced HB 44 to repeal the portion of the law that keeps tobacco cessation treatments from parents’ knowledge. It also ensured that vaccination or medical treatment of a minor child without parental consent would be categorically illegal. The bill was defeated in the state House Labor and Health Committee by a 5-4 vote, with four Republicans joining the lone Democrat on the panel to purposely keep medical records from parents.

When Ward filed a motion on the floor to have the bill reassigned to another committee, it was defeated by one vote, with Speaker Albert Sommers siding with the medical cartel. This in a legislative chamber with a 57-5 GOP majority.

Republicans against parental choice

Wondering what excuse the Republicans might offer for such a dastardly vote, I watched some of the committee members’ comments. Their excuses were even more disquieting than the vote itself. In fact, the very reason you and I want to cement parental rights over a child’s medical care — namely, to avoid more COVID fascism and coerced government medical experiments — is exactly why they want to maintain state control over children’s medical records and keep parents in the dark.

“I’m also worried from hearing from the experts that this maybe has some consequences in a public health emergency that we haven’t really thought about,” mused Rep. Ken Clouston, one of the bill’s opponents.

What sort of “public health emergency,” in Clouston’s estimation, would engender a need for secrecy to shield a child’s medical records from the parents? And who are these experts he cites? The same people who thought lockdowns, masks, and mRNA were “safe and effective”? The same people who believe in forced vaccination and experimentation, including on children without a parent’s consent?

Evidently so. Rep. Kevin O’Hearn, who also hails from Natrona County, essentially asserted that sometimes the state and the health bureaucrats know what’s better for your children than you do.

“We have heard from some professionals that some parents aren’t as involved with their children as they should be. … There are some parents who need more skills than they actually have,” O’Hearn said in a shocking moment of candor.

So yes, it’s as bad as it sounds. These Republicans actually do believe in keeping parents in the dark because they believe the state knows better. We need not imagine what sorts of medical issues they have in mind.

Endangered parental consent

New York is moving to allow vaccination of children without parental consent. Washington, D.C., and San Francisco already allow minors to get COVID shots without their parents’ knowledge. Liberals view parents as a roadblock between children and their efforts to groom them intellectually, emotionally — and now, with gender dysphoria and mass vaccination, even physically.

The unsettling proposition of a Republican who doesn’t know what a woman is also thinking medical records should be shielded from parents is something to behold.

This is particularly a problem with school-based health clinics. Recently, the CDC, as part of its “Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child” agenda, has been sending federal subsidies to states to set up permanent, comprehensive clinics in schools. What do you think is the purpose? Who in their right mind thinks that the CDC, with its decisions on COVID and transgenderism, has your child’s best interests at heart?

A troubling pattern is emerging. The same Republicans last year voted down a bill to excise CDC influence from Wyoming. They want your child to be subjected to the whims of the Centers for Disease Control and wish to vanquish all parental resistance. Keeping Mom and Dad in the dark is the first step.

Wyoming’s Republican leadership refused to support Chloe’s law banning chemical castration and instead opted for a weak bill only banning physical castration — a bill that was full of exceptions and had no teeth in it.

Last week, 20 Republicans joined with the Democrats to deny conservatives a two-thirds majority needed to pass HB 50, which would have statutorily defined a woman as … a woman. Three Republican committee members who voted down the parental rights bill — Forrest Chadwick, Dan Zwonitzer, and Mike Yin — also voted against the “What Is a Woman Act.” The same members just voted against an amendment to the budget bill that would have defunded gender studies at the University of Wyoming.

The unsettling proposition of a Republican who doesn’t know what a woman is also thinking medical records should be shielded from parents is something to behold.

The cruel irony of those pushing medical secrecy on parents under the guise of public health emergencies is that last week, these very same members voted down a bill that would simply require the governor to obtain consent from the legislature before declaring such an emergency.

Republicans who believe parents should be rendered deaf, dumb, and blind during a public health emergency are the same deviants who want to make it easier to declare an emergency in the first place. It’s almost as if there is a “one health” agenda at work here. Anthony Fauci’s worldview is thriving in the Cowboy State.

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