Charles Barkley Explains Why Black Voters Are Ditching the Democrats

News & Politics

We’ve been documenting Joe Biden’s problems with nonwhite voters for a long time now. Despite his constant pandering to minorities, he’s been bleeding support from this once reliably Democrat voting bloc. 


Despite winning 87% of the black vote in the 2020 election, recent polling from USA Today and Suffolk University shows that only 63% of black voters are supporting Biden in 2024. This trend is consistent with other polls highlighting a diminishing level of support for Biden among various minority groups that threaten his chances of winning in November.

“The data show the Democratic Party retaining advantages among people of color and young adults, but in 2023 it was in a weaker position among these groups than at any point in the past quarter century,” Gallup noted last month. “Democrats’ reduced support among Black and Hispanic adults should be especially concerning for the party, given Republicans’ continued strength among White adults, who remain the majority of the electorate.”

Why is this happening? Of course, a big part of it is that Americans from all backgrounds remember that things were a lot better during the Trump years and would like to return to that. But there’s another reason why Trump is appealing to black voters, according to former NBA star and current CNN host Charles Barkley.

“The reason I think the Democratic Party and Mr. Biden, President Biden, is losing black votes is they only care about black people every four years,” Barkley said.


“They come into our neighborhoods and say, ‘We’re gonna make stuff better.’ ‘We’re gonna to do this, do this, do this.’ And then finally us black people are like, ‘I don’t know, man, other than my ability to dunk a basketball, all my neighbors’ hoods are still the same, our schools are still the same. And that’s why I think black people are leaving disappointed in the Democratic Party.”

“I ain’t gonna lie,” Barkley continued. “I voted Democratic every time just because I thought thought it was gonna help black people and poor people— because black people, poor white people, they’re in the same boat—and like, I didn’t care who the president was.”

Barkley continued, “I’m not gonna lie, but I only voted Republican one time in my life, and that was for John Kasich, and I didn’t know he couldn’t win.”

For our VIPs: Biden Is Driving Black Voters to Trump

“But then I’m starting to look like, ‘Man, I understand why black people are leaving and want to vote for somebody else’ because every four years they come into our neighborhoods and say, ‘Man, we’re gonna make things better for you,’” Barkley added.


Of course, Barkley is right. He’s not saying anything that black pundits haven’t said before. Democrats are notorious for running as the savior party for black people yet doing nothing to help them. It’s an endless cycle of making promises in every election cycle and then doing nothing until it’s time to ask for their votes again. During the Trump administration, black voters realized that Democrats were leaving them behind.

If Charles Barkley wants to vote in such a way to help black people, he should consider voting for Trump in November.

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