Need More Proof Biden Was Drugged for the State of the Union? Here It Is.

News & Politics

A great deal hinged on Joe Biden’s performance during Thursday evening’s State of the Union address. The White House knew more than anything that Biden had to dispel concerns regarding his age and cognitive decline. Naturally, the mainstream media did its part to help shore up this narrative affirming Biden’s presidential competence. They wound up choosing the same entry from the thesaurus to characterize his delivery: “fiery.” 


I’m sure it was just a coincidence.

But it didn’t work for those of us who saw and heard Biden’s loud and angry delivery, punctuated by constant slurring and slip-ups. One expert says that Biden’s performance featured the telltale signs of being medicated.

Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist specializing in elderly dementia patients, pointed out that Biden’s increased speed and volume during the address, contrary to his usual slow and stumbling demeanor, could be indicative of stimulant usage, potentially Adderall or another amphetamine. 

“[Adderall]’s given to focus someone’s attention so if you give it to someone who is not focused and give it to them ahead of a big event like the State of the Union, it will improve their focus,” Lieberman told the Washington Times. “But it’s treating the symptoms rather than boosting the brain and it’s addictive so it’s dangerous.”

As compelling and convincing as Lieberman’s theory is, there’s actually more evidence Biden was not his usual self during the State of the Union.

I previously pointed to Biden’s brief encounter with reporters on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews, where he had curiously become his trademark low-energy, glitchy self. His explanation for his use of the word “illegals” to describe an illegal immigrant—which irked many in his party—was, to say the least, unimpressive.


But even more indicative that something had changed in Biden was his campaign speech in Philadelphia, Penn., on Friday, which was virtually a carbon copy of his State of the Union speech, yet it was a disaster.

Related: Was Biden Drugged for the State of the Union? One Expert Thinks So.

At one point in the speech, he declared, “Pennsylvania, I have a message for you: send me to Congress!” 

Fact check: He’s running for president, not Congress.

When Biden hit his favorite topic, the Capitol riot, he managed to botch that too. “Last night [at] the U.S. Capitol—the same building where our freedoms came under assault on July the 6th!”

Ask yourself how it’s possible that the same man who has been obsessing over the Capitol riot for three years and is making it a key issue of his campaign could possibly get the date wrong when bringing it up in his campaign speech.

Another cringeworthy moment was when Biden, who attempted to tout his fiscal responsibility, boasted,  ”We added more to the national debt than any president in his term in all of history!”


Regardless of whether the statement is technically true or not, it’s obviously not what he meant to say. I guarantee you those words were not what the teleprompter read.

Nor was this gem, when Biden, likely going off script, said that almost every world leader has told him, “You can’t win again.”

Polls do show this is technically right, but again, let’s not pretend this is actually what Biden meant to say.

And then there was the moment he forgot what the Federal Reserve is called.

Does this show a man who is well? Ask yourself what caused such a dramatic change in delivery less than 24 hours prior. Something was clearly different. 

It’s funny because so much hinged on his performance at the State of the Union that many people forgot that Biden still has eight months of campaigning to make it through. One night of being “fiery” won’t change the public’s opinion that he’s too old and senile to be president. The man who showed up on Friday is the man who is going to show up on the campaign trail and at official White House events. 

But the liberal media is still hoping they can convince the public that the drugged-up Biden is the real Biden. That’s why we need strong conservative outlets to thrive, especially as we get closer to the 2024 election. By becoming a VIP member, you’ll be directly supporting our hard-hitting journalism and commentary and giving us the tools we need to fight back against the censors who don’t want the truth exposed.


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