South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem raises eyebrows by posting video about having dental work done by Smile Texas

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem shared an eyebrow-raising video that comes across like an advertisement for a dental practice in Texas where she indicates that she had dental work done.

“For years, I have needed to have an adjustment to my teeth from a biking accident,” Noem noted in the video, saying that she had “knocked out” her front teeth. She said that “it was amazing to me how flexible this team was with my schedule, and they are that way with everyone.”

Noem, who has served as South Dakota’s governor since early 2019, is widely viewed as someone former President Donald Trump might potentially pick as his 2024 running mate.

“I love my new family at Smile Texas! The video says it all, and I am so grateful for their help fixing my smile for me,” Noem wrote when sharing the nearly five-minute video on social media.

The video sparked bewilderment.

BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales responded by tweeting, “Wtf is going on.”

Andy Ngo retweeted the governor’s post and asked, “Why is a sitting governor doing an influencer ad for a dental office?”

T. Becket Adams wrote, “wtf is this? a sitting governor cutting an ad for a dentist?”

“This is an extremely bizarre thing for a governor to post,” Nate Hochman wrote, adding in another tweet, “Why is the sitting governor of South Dakota doing dentist infomercials?”

“So weird but so on brand for this cycle,” John Cardillo tweeted.

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