Fox News Highlights Illegal Alien Repeat Offender in New York, Not Deported

Liberals hate Fox News because they focus on crime by illegal immigrants, which they would rather dismiss as insignificant. Earlier in the week, Fox News highlighted an example of how far the New York City has fallen in taking violent crime seriously as the network informed viewers of an illegal immigrant who has repeatedly been arrested for assaulting women but has been neither deported, nor sentenced to significant time in prison.

On Monday morning’s Fox & Friends First, co-host Todd Piro recalled the case of Edward Johnson, who has a history of assaulting women who work in hospitals: “An illegal immigrant back on the streets of New York City after spending less than a year in jail for the latest of a series of arrests where he’s accused of attacking female hospital workers dating all the way back to 2019. And victims are speaking out about the dangers they face every day working in the ER and having to treat people that are violent repeat offenders.”

After showing viewers a photograph of a nurse, Chelsea Mora, who was attacked in a Bronx hospital in January, he brought her aboard to discuss her experience. Mora recalled that she was examining the patient when “he struck my face with his fists, leaving me with a corneal hematoma and PTSD after the incident.”

Regarding the state’s current weak crime policies, she soon complained:

It seems to be a severe problem in New York City now. I think these soft on crime laws that are being implemented aren’t helping us — like citizens of New York — aren’t helping health care staff in dealing with these types of criminals. This one particular gentleman has over 20 open cases, and he’s out on the streets abusing and assaulting people.

Mora then recounted that when staff are assaulted, they are often encouraged not to press charges but that, even when they do, perpetrators receive little punishment:

…usually when one of us does get assaulted — whether it’s a doctor or nurse — we’re kind of discouraged to not press charges. When we actually do press charges and things go up to the court level, things are just dropped — charges are dropped, and these criminals are back on the street. They maybe serve one or two months in jail, and then they’re back out doing the same thing. So it seems to be a reoccurring theme.

On Tuesday morning, Fox’s America’s Newsroom also covered the issue, and informed viewers that the perpetrator was released after a few hours and is now considered on the lam with a warrant out for his arrest. Correspondent Alexi McAdams further related that he has had at least 46 arrests since he illegally entered the country.

It was also mentioned that, according to Mora, the prosecutor’s office in the Bronx had tried to get her to lessen the charges:

According to the New York Post, Dana, Johnson is in the country illegally, entering the U.S. about 10 years ago. Since then, he’s committed at least 46 crimes. Although Mora’s injuries have healed, she says mentally she’s still in pain, and she’s pretty angry because she says the Bronx D.A.’s office has asked her two times to lessen the charges against Johnson, but she refused. We reached out to the Bronx D.A.’s office who tells us now, “We would like to present it to a grand jury for felony charges.”

Transcript follow:

Fox & Friends First

March 11, 2024

5:17 a.m. Eastern

TODD PIRO: An illegal immigrant back on the streets of New York City after spending less than a year in jail for the latest of a series of arrests where he’s accused of attacking female hospital workers dating all the way back to 2019. And victims are speaking out about the dangers they face every day working in the ER and having to treat people that are violent repeat offenders. Look at that picture right there. One of them is Chelsea Mora — that’s her in the photo. She was attacked by this suspect in January, and Chelsea joins me now. Chelsea, walk us through what this guy did to you.

CHELSEA MORA, NEW YORK CITY NURSE: Hi, so my name is Chelsea. I’m an ER nurse in Jacobi hospital — I’ve been a nurse for seven years, and this one incident on January 13 occurred when I was approaching the patient to do his vitals, and he struck my face with his fists, leaving me with a corneal hematoma and PTSD after the incident.

PIRO: Why do you think this is happening to not just you, but others who are trying just help people and do their jobs?

MORA: It seems to be a severe problem in New York City now. I think these soft on crime laws that are being implemented aren’t helping us — like citizens of New York — aren’t helping health care staff in dealing with these types of criminals. This one particular gentleman has over 20 open cases, and he’s out on the streets abusing and assaulting people.

PIRO: The guy’s name is Edward Johnson — illegal immigrant — but he’s not alone, to your point. What else have you and your colleagues experienced not just from the gentleman on our screen but in your years working on the ER?

MORA: I think there’s an internal push. I’m not sure what the agenda is, but usually when one of us does get assaulted — whether it’s a doctor or nurse — we’re kind of discouraged to not press charges. When we actually do press charges and things go up to the court level, things are just dropped — charges are dropped, and these criminals are back on the street. They maybe serve one or two months in jail, and then they’re back out doing the same thing. So it seems to be a reoccurring theme.

PIRO: How much of the blame do you place on the border crisis for these attacks?

MORA: A certain percentage definitely should be blamed on the border crisis. I had no idea this particular patient’s migration status, but it was pretty disheartening to find out that he was illegally here in this country and that he’s been given so many chances.


Fox’s America’s Newsroom

March 12, 2024

9:58 a.m. Eastern

DANA PERINO: A New York City nurse speaks to Fox News about the moment a patient attacked her. He repeatedly punched her in the face when she tried to treat him. The suspect — an illegal immigrant — was arrested but freed, and now he’s on the run. Alexis McAdams is live outside of Jacobi Medical Center where the attack happened. Hi, Alexis.

ALEXIS McADAMS: Hey, Dana. I had a chance to talk to that nurse who tells me she was left with a black eye after this absolutely vicious attack inside of that hospital in the Bronx right behind me. And listen to this. This was not the suspect’s first attack he was arrested for, but he’s on the run, and there’s now a warrant out for his arrest.

CHELSEA MORA, NEW YORK CITY NURSE: This kind of failure from our government officials, like just allowing these people to roam the streets. Meanwhile, our taxpayer dollars are being used to fund their security, but then where’s ours?

McADAMS: And Chelsea Mora says this all happened in January while she was working in the ER here at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx. She tells me she was punched in the face by this guy, Edward Johnson, while she was just trying to help him. Johnson was arrested for assault, but, just hour later, he was back out on the streets. Police telling Fox News that Johnson had already been busted for attacking a female doctor at another hospital twice.

According to the New York Post, Dana, Johnson is in the country illegally, entering the U.S. about 10 years ago. Since then, he’s committed at least 46 crimes. Although Mora’s injuries have healed, she says mentally she’s still in pain, and she’s pretty angry because she says the Bronx D.A.’s office has asked her two times to lessen the charges against Johnson, but she refused. We reached out to the Bronx D.A.’s office who tells us now, “We would like to present it to a grand jury for felony charges.”

MORA: I think mayors, senators, governors need to come together and make stronger laws that will keep these people inside of the prison.

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