Google Has Been Interfering In U.S. Elections for Years

News & Politics

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. If you have a Gmail account, you’ve no doubt noticed how fundraising emails from Republican candidates and conservative causes manage to get buried in your spam folder even though you never flagged them. It was so bad that the Republican National Committee sued Google for its discriminatory practices, but a Biden-appointed federal judge dismissed the case.


But Google’s efforts to help the Democrats go much deeper than sending GOP emails to users’ spam folders. According to a new report from the Media Research Center (MRC), Google has been interfering with U.S. elections for at least 16 years, and MRC has found 41 instances of them doing so. 

It wasn’t just to help Democrats defeat Republicans either. In 2008, before Google helped tip the scales so Obama could defeat John McCain, it “targeted support for Hillary Clinton for censorship, suspending the accounts of writers who wrote blogs critical of Obama during his primary race against Clinton.”

But after Democrats took a devastating loss in the 2016 election, evidence collected by MRC shows that election interference became part of its mission. As one Google executive let slip in a secretly recorded interview, the company was working to actively “prevent[] the next Trump situation.”

After Donald Trump became president, the tech behemoth’s election interference went from making an appearance every four years to rearing its ugly head every two years. Each time it attempted to dismiss the issue and downplay its nefarious actions. But when viewed together as a historical whole, Google’s election interference has been consistent and has only grown more and more expansive.  


After censoring Hillary Clinton supporters eight years earlier, in 2016, Google utilized its algorithm and affiliated “partners” in attempts to sway the election in her favor. Research indicated that Google manipulated search results to downplay negative information about Clinton while boosting positive content. Specifically, Google omitted damaging autofill suggestions related to Clinton’s controversies, instead suggesting favorable topics. Moreover, internal emails revealed collaborations aimed at increasing Latino voter turnout, benefiting Clinton. These efforts, including funding rides to polls and ad campaigns, potentially influenced millions of votes.

Of course, it didn’t work, so Google doubled down. “Shortly after the [2016] election, at a company-wide meeting, Google’s CFO Ruth Porat promised Google employees that the company would use its ‘great strength and resources and reach’ to advance its leftist values. The company kept that promise, and after 2016, Google’s censorship grew in scale.”

In 2018, researchers discovered compelling evidence of election interference by Google that potentially influenced the outcomes of congressional races in Orange County, Calif., where all three districts flipped from Republican to Democrat. Additionally, during that election cycle, Google labeled “Nazism” as one of the ideologies of the California GOP, further indicating bias. There was also a significant disparity in the representation of left-leaning and right-leaning media outlets in Google News — with right-leaning sites only representing 5% of the stories linked.


In 2020, Google disabled Tulsi Gabbard’s Google Ads account after she surged in popularity during the Democratic primary debates. Allegations also emerged of Google selectively blocking GOP fundraising emails and sending voter reminders primarily to Democrats. Research suggests these actions likely influenced millions of votes.

Two years later, Google did all it could to help prevent a red wave. They buried 83% of Republican campaign websites for competitive Senate races. “Ten of the 12 candidates did not make the top 6 search results and 7 did not appear on the first page of search results at all,” the Media Research Center explained. “In similar searches, MRC Free Speech America examined how Google treated 10 politicians known for criticizing Big Tech, either legislatively or vocally. Researchers found that Google buried the campaign websites of all 10 politicians and seven of them did not appear at all on the first page of the results.

This would be a good time to remind you that you can minimize your reliance on Google.

Related: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Has a Horrifying View of the First Amendment

Make no mistake: Big Tech is going to work extra hard this year to tip the election to Joe Biden. Polls show Trump is ahead, and you can bet we’ll be censored as we attempt to report on the facts. 


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