The Morning Briefing: They Have Come for Your Children — Woke SCOTUS Edition

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Xandunol hoped that his Brussels Sprouts Surprise would be the hit of the annual Goatherd Enthusiasts Winterfest. 


We had a few Alphabet Mafia stories here at the PJ Media Ranch yesterday. It was as if the universe — with a generous assist from my colleagues — was giving me a hint about what to lead off with today. Whatever I write will be characterized by the Left as intolerant and bigoted. 

Over here on the Right we just call it reality. 

This story from Catherine validates the beliefs of anyone who has a healthy loathing for the federal government and its incessant abuse of American taxpayers:

The Democrats always love to fund the woke destruction of America with taxpayer money while Republicans look the other way. For example, buried in the massive spending bill is a sizable sum for a group that provides LGBTQ gear to young people without parental permission — including dangerous chest binders, gaffs, and packers.

I’m going to swim in understatement for a moment and say that our federal legislative process has gotten out of hand. Actually, passing omnibus spending bills that are over a thousand pages before any of the people voting have read them is a horrible combination of irresponsible and insane. 

There are very few members of the United States Congress who understand or respect their representative role in this representative republic of ours. If they did, they wouldn’t act like drunk Kennedy cousins on spring break with our money. 


This is also a perfect example of how the Democrats keep dragging the country leftward. Republican apathy is as bad for the country as is aggressive progressivism.

Matt wrote about something yesterday that will send chills down the spines of parents:

Earlier this week, the United States Supreme Court dismissed an appeal from the parents of a teenage boy who were stripped of custody rights by the state of Indiana for not affirming their son’s self-proclaimed “gender identity” as a girl.

In 2021, state authorities initiated an investigation into the Cox family. While the state concedes there was never any abuse, Mary and Jeremy Cox refused to acknowledge their son by using the female name he chose for himself or using feminine pronouns, so the state essentially kidnapped the boy and placed him in a home with strangers willing to “affirm” his gender identity.

That’s an even more insidious way of normalizing the leftist agenda than what Congress did. They introduce the woke agenda in the taxpayer-funded indoctrination mills that we call public schools, then bring the onerous power of the state down on parents who aren’t getting with the program. 

We all know that the problem will only get worse. Matt quotes the Cox family attorney, who said, “These cases are sure to proliferate.” 

It’s even more disturbing that this happened in Indiana. One might expect California or New York to be so awful about parental rights. It’s really dystopian that the Alphabet Mafia has crept into the Heartland. 


I’m only seven years removed from my daughter’s time in high school. A world where I could lose my rights as a parent if I didn’t adapt my beliefs to honor the whims of an adolescent child was inconceivable then. 

Lincoln covered something that will get us out of here with a little hope:

But the tide is turning, and not just because of parents at school board meetings. Kids are beginning to tire of the endless drone of the twin engines of the trans agenda and sexualization. Spectrum News 1 out of New York notes that on Monday, students at John Jay High School in Wappingers Central School District walked out of class. 

The walk-out was in protest of a policy that lets students use the bathroom that is consistent with their identity and not their sex. Senior Shauna Neilan commented, “A bunch of people from our school, John Jay, feel uncomfortable. We want to change that and give them their own spaces to make us more comfortable and them more comfortable.”

Every little bit helps. 

Policies like that have to go, though.

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Everything Isn’t Awful

Strutting into the weekend…


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This is juvenile, but it made me laugh out loud. That’s not easy to do. 

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