Elected Officials Condemn Biden’s Tyrannical EV Regulation: This Is ‘Unrealistic’

News & Politics

Elected officials across the country have condemned President Joe Biden’s EPA for massively overstepping its mandate by forcing electric vehicles (EVs) on the American public.

On the March 20 edition of Mornings with Maria Bartiromo, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) told Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that Biden’s decision to force electric cars on Americans would have serious consequences. Moore Capito panned Biden’s goal of over 50 percent EV ownership by 2032 as “unrealistic” before adding: “We’re now telling the consumer what to buy. The electric grid will falter under the demands of the electric vehicles.”

Moore Capito’s warning is not just for future Americans. In 2022 in Gavin Newsom’s California, electric vehicle owners were given instructions on when to charge their electric vehicles to avoid threatening the grid.

The West Virginia senator went on to list further potential issues for electric cars such as performance in different types of weather. The senator said, “How does this perform on the highway in terms of guardrails and other issues? So there’s a whole host of issues, not the least of which the consumer can’t afford them, doesn’t want them and they don’t fit the patterns of many consumers across the country.”

Moore Capito was not alone. Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) and Sens. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) all condemned the EPA regulation in posts on X. Hagerty put together a thread taking down the Biden Administration regulation while pointing out how the current push towards electric vehicles will make Americans more reliant on the Communist Chinese government. Mullin bashed the EV mandate as “costly” and “reckless.”

Tuberville pointed out that Biden’s attempt to force Americans to choose electric vehicles was not only expensive for the government but also for the average car buyer. Tuberville wrote, “The average small car costs approximately $24,500. The average cost of an EV is $55,000, and that’s after THOUSANDS in government subsidies. Americans are already going broke thanks to Joe Biden’s inflation. We CANNOT afford the radical left’s climate agenda.”

Clyde spoke up for Americans’ freedom to make their own choices about the vehicles they drive. “American consumers should decide what car they purchase and drive. Yet Joe Biden is doubling down on his radical EPA rule that institutes a de facto EV mandate on our country. Congress must stop this insanity,” Clyde wrote.

Even CNN acknowledged the ugly ramifications of this tyrannical regulation. During the March 25 edition of CNN This Morning, CNN co-anchor Kate Bouldan asked former Special Assistant to President Biden Meghan Hays to her face: has Biden thought this through? 

Bouldan said, “If these companies are forced to produce more EVs and hybrids to meet the demands of this new regulation, there is a world where it could push up prices for combustion engine cars that some Americans are still gonna need.”

Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News at 818-460-7477, CBS News at 212-975-3247 and NBC News at 212-664-6192 and demand they hold Biden and his cronies accountable for attempting to restrict fossil fuel production and Americans’ choices.

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