SCOTUS Hears Oral Arguments Against FDA’s Approval of Abortion Pill

News & Politics

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. Supporters of both sides gathered outside the Court in Washington D.C. to share their stance. Pro-aborts advocated for the abortion pill to remain on the market while pro-lifers insisted that the FDA was negligent in its research prior to approving the abortion pill and thus, that the pill should be removed from the market.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Counsel Erin Hawley argued before the court along with Dr. Christina Francis, CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, and Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach who all insisted that the FDA’s “unlawful removal of critical safeguards for the use of chemical abortion drugs,” harms women and that the abortion pill regime is not safe. 

Here’s the summary according to ADF’s website:

FDA began recklessly removing in-person doctor visits to check for ectopic pregnancies, severe bleeding, and life-threatening infections. It also removed reporting requirements that once provided doctors, women, and the public with better information about the serious risks associated with abortion drugs. ADF attorneys are asking the court to affirm the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision holding that the FDA acted unlawfully when it removed these safeguards.

During their arguments, rallies were held outside the Supreme Court building. Representatives from Concerned Women for America, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, March for Life, Young Women for America, and various congresspeople held signs and insisted that the FDA needed to do its actual job and produce drugs that help, not harm people.

“I would love it if the other side would tell the truth. They are about big abortion. They are not about safety for women and it’s never been about safety for babies,” Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance said in front of SCOTUS. 

Jeanie Mancini, president of March for life, sent an email following the event and noted the following:

Kelly Lester, a mom who previously had numerous abortions and is also the Outreach Coordinator for And Then There Were None and Pro-Love Ministries, shared how harmful these pills can be, some even leading to women delivering their babies alive: “Women are coming into our pregnancy resource centers with their child in their hands saying no one told me I was going to see this.”

“FDA, DO YOUR JOB,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, SBA President said while rallygoers joined in on the chant. 

“She has become her own abortionist, in an unsafe home-abortion clinic,” Dannenfelser said and later added, “The FDA broke the law and its own rules when it removed virtually every safeguard [and] every standard. Ignoring a woman’s need for in person visits and ongoing care when taking dangerous abortion drugs.”

Dannenfelser also said, “Every woman and woman’s organization in this country should come together and demand that the FDA stop its politics and we together must insist: ‘FDA, DO YOUR JOB.’” 

“#WomensHealthMatters” also trended on X. One member of the Progressive Anti-Aborion Uprising group held a sign that said “Pills Should Never Kill” and wrote “Fully Human” in black marker on her pregnant belly. Many others gathered with various signs that read: “Women’s Health Matters,” “FDA: DO YOUR JOB” and “Women Deserve Safe Medical Care.”

Pro-abortion rally-goers gathered as well. Their message was essentially: “we don’t care how harmful the abortion pill is, we still want it available at any point, for any person and regardless of any risks.”

One woman, a “rabbi,”  in an interview with USA Today, insisted that her “rights are under threat” as well as her “ability to live safely and healthily.” Again, nothing about the abortion pill is safe. If successful, it kills at least one human being and puts a woman’s life in significant risk. 

The same video showed individuals holding sings that read “The Bible can be your guide but not my shackle,” “reproductive freedom for all,” “Abortion on our own terms,” and then of course a line of old ladies, who likely won’t have any use for the abortion pill, held letters in a line that spelt out “PRO ROE.”

The pro-aborts really do come up with a bunch of nonsense when they think that their opportunity to kill babies may be at stake.

Time will tell what happens with this case. Until then, prayers for clarity and decisions on what is actually best for the future of women’s health would be well received by SCOTUS justices. 


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