ABC World News Tonight SQUEES Over Biden-Obama-Clinton Fundraiser

There are many reasons that underlie why we often refer to the corporate news media as “Regime Media”. Chief among them, their willingness to propagate Democrat talking points and obsequiously report things in a light most favorable to whatever Democrat is in power. ABC World News Tonight’s coverage of the much-ballyhooed three-president fundraiser in New York City certainly exemplifies “Regime Media”.

Watch as anchor Linsey Davis and ABC Chief Biden Apple Polisher….errr…White House Correspondent Mary Bruce open up the propaganda-adjacent report:

LINSEY DAVIS: Now, to the race for the White House, and four U.S. Presidents in New York. President Biden, holding a $25 million fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall tonight, with some high profile support from former presidents. Former President Obama hitching a ride to New York on Air Force One with President Biden. He’ll be joined by former President Clinton on the stage tonight. Former President Trump also nearby at the wake for a fallen police officer, just three weeks until the start of his Manhattan criminal trial. ABC’s Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce here in New York. 

MARY BRUCE: Tonight, President Biden calling in the heavy hitters to give his campaign a jolt. Biden and former President Barack Obama touching down today in New York City. Teaming up tonight with former President Bill Clinton for what the campaign is touting as a record-shattering fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall. The Biden campaign billing the star-studded night as a massive show of force.

If Washington D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people, as some say, then tonight’s event was the equivalent of a star-studded red-carpet premiere for a big-budget film. This certainly explains ABC’s coverage of the celebrity-laden fundraiser. Mary Bruce seemed like an entertainment reporter more than a chief White House correspondent. But there’s little discernible difference between those two beats nowadays.

Linsey Davis was sure to set the tone in her intro, including the cheap shot at Donald Trump. Although the Stormy Daniels trial is certainly a newsworthy event, one struggles to see what it had to do with Trump’s visit to the wake of fallen NYPD officer Jonathan Diller. The answer is: absolutely nothing, beyond a common general geography. What’s more disgusting, it appears that this is the first mention of Officer Diller on ABC World News Tonight- wholly unavoidable because of who attended his wake, but unmentionable beforehand because his death makes the various Democrats in power look bad. 

The report ends with Bruce sounding like a Biden communications staffer as she goes through the fundraising totals, contrasting Biden’s campaign haul with Trump’s legal expenses. 

Days like this, if it weren’t for Regime Media we’d have no media at all.

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned report as aired on ABC World News Tonight on Thursday, March 28th, 2024:

LINSEY DAVIS: Now, to the race for the White House, and four U.S. Presidents in New York. President Biden holding a $25 million fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall tonight, with some high profile support from former presidents. Former President Obama hitching a ride to New York on Air Force One with President Biden. He’ll be joined by former President Clinton on the stage tonight. Former President Trump also nearby at the wake for a fallen police officer, just three weeks until the start of his Manhattan criminal trial. ABC’s Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce here in New York. 

MARY BRUCE: Tonight, President Biden calling in the heavy hitters to give his campaign a jolt. Biden and former President Barack Obama touching down today in New York City. Teaming up tonight with former President Bill Clinton for what the campaign is touting as a record-shattering fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall. The Biden campaign billing the star-studded night as a massive show of force. A conversation with three presidents and musical guests, including Lizzo and Queen Latifah. The event expected to rake in an historic $25 million, more money than rival Donald Trump raised all last month. Tickets for the sold out fundraiser run from $225 to half a million dollars. Select high dollar donors can get their photo taken with all three presidents by famed photographer Annie Leibowitz. Outside the event in New York, pro-Palestinian protesters demanding a cease-fire. Biden and Trump are running neck and neck in national polls, with the race now tightening in key battleground states. Trump today making his own visit to New York, invited by the family to the wake of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller, a young father gunned down during a routine traffic stop. It comes as Trump is eager to put crime front and center in this election. 

DONALD TRUMP: We have to stop it. We have to get back to law and order, we have to do a lot of things differently, because this is not working. This is happening too often.

BRUCE: Now, the Trump campaign is claiming they have their own record-shattering fund-raiser coming up next week. They say that will bring in some $33 million, but the former president has already had to spend at least $60 million in political contributions to pay his legal bills. The bottom line here, Linsey, the Biden campaign is far outraising the Trump campaign, as the former president is still being weighed down by his legal woes. Linsey.

DAVIS: Mary Bruce for us in New York today. Thank you, Mary.

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