The View’s Low IQ Conspiracy Theorists: RFK Trying to ‘Buy’ Election

The low I.Q. members of ABC’s Cackling Coven (aka The View) were terrified on Thursday because they were apparently feeling the heat of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent campaign and feared it would hurt President Biden’s chances in November. They were so scared that they cooked up a fringe conspiracy theory accusing Kennedy of trying to “buy” the election by picking billionaire Nicole Shanahan to be his vice president.

The View brought up the topic of Kennedy by disgustingly co-opting the death of former Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT); making it about third parties (Click “expand”):

Welcome back. We do want to note that Senator Joe Lieberman passed away yesterday at 82, who founded the No Labels party to offer centralists alternatives to major party candidates. No Label does not have a candidate in the 2024 race but the third-party candidate people seem to be talking about right now is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Reportedly, you know, people are saying, oh, the Democrats are going — he’s going to take votes from Biden and a lot of Republicans are pushing that narrative too, but I’m not sure that that’s so, but I’ll ask you all. What do you think of this third-party situation or possibility?

After saying her peace about Lieberman, faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin rambled on about how “RFK has to be taken seriously” because his beliefs were “very dangerous.”

“But he has money, he’s organizing, he is on the ballot in a number of key battleground states including Nevada – two battleground states,” she warned, recalling 2016, “But we know this. We know it from 2016, Jill Stein alone was enough to keep Hillary Clinton from winning in Michigan and changed the course of the election.”

Co-host Joy Behar became unglued as she ranted about how “Somebody has to ask him: why are you doing this! Why do you want to destroy the election and hand it to Trump if possible?!” She also claimed he was doing a disservice to the family name, saying: “He’s a Kennedy. His forefathers are rolling over in their graves with this. His own family is telling him to get out. We already have one clown in the race. Do we need two of them?”

She also suggested that Kennedy was showing the king of “delusion” that destroyed countries in the past; “that’s what we’re dealing with here with this.” No examples were given.

Staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host, Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) was the first to dive into the election conspiracy waters. She clutched her pearls and suggested that Kennedy chose Shanahan, the daughter of an immigrant, for dark and sketchy motives: “Didn’t he just choose a billionaire vice president? Who can help him get on the ballots in different states in battleground states.”

Decrying that a candidate was trying to get on ballots, which required signatures and not cash, sounded very anti-democratic. She provided no evidence that Kennedy was buying off election officials to get on ballots.

Moderator Whoopi Goldberg really bought into the conspiracy theories. She said Kennedy’s pick sent a “bad message for folks” and accuse him of trying to “buy the election.” It was a serious allegation that she provided no proof for, but she received broad approval from the rest of the cast anyway.

“Keep in mind what you’re hearing,” Goldberg declared, “You’re not supposed to be able to buy an election.” “[Or] Buy your way onto a ballot,” Hostin added, suggesting that “the Supreme Court made sure he can.”

Again, there was no explanation of how the court helped the campaign nor evidence provided of any alleged illegal activity; nor what specific activity the campaign was doing they thought ought to be illegal, for that matter.

What they refused to mention was the strenuous efforts the Democratic Party was going through to make sure Kennedy’s name didn’t appear on ballots.

Sounds pretty anti-democratic.

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

ABC’s The View
March 28, 2024
11:15:46 a.m. Eastern

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Welcome back. We do want to note that Senator Joe Lieberman passed away yesterday at 82, who founded the No Labels party to offer centralists alternatives to major party candidates. No Label does not have a candidate in the 2024 race but the third-party candidate people seem to be talking about right now is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Reportedly, you know, people are saying, oh, the Democrats are going — he’s going to take votes from Biden and a lot of Republicans are pushing that narrative too, but I’m not sure that that’s so, but I’ll ask you all. What do you think of this third-party situation or possibility?

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: I just want to say love and well wishes to the Lieberman family. He was someone I greatly admired in politics. I think it feels like the end of an era of centrism and trying to prioritize working across the aisle. I feel like we so often demonize moderation in this current era, so he will be missed.

But on this third party, RFK has to be taken seriously even though I think his beliefs are out there. Some of them are very dangerous. Some of the anti-vax sentiment. But he has money, he’s organizing, he is on the ballot in a number of key battleground states including Nevada – two battleground states – But we know this. We know it from 2016, Jill Stein alone was enough to keep Hillary Clinton from winning in Michigan and changed the course of the election.


11:17:59 a.m. Eastern

JOY BEHAR: Somebody has to ask him: why are you doing this? Why do you want to destroy the election and hand it to Trump if possible?

[Crosstalk with Sara Haines]

BEHAR: He’s a Kennedy. His forefathers are rolling over in their graves with this. His own family is telling him to get out.

SARA HAINES: But a lot of people —

BEHAR: We already have one clown in the race. Do we need two of them?


HAINES: A lot of people including myself believe in time there is space for a third party. So, I tend to think the people that take this on aren’t coming at it like, “I’m going to ruin the election for everyone.” I truly think they believe there is a lane to try to create something. I just don’t think it’s this election.

BEHAR: I think many times delusion has destroyed a country and that’s what we’re dealing with here with this. The polls are too close. Even though you don’t believe in them.

GOLDBERG: I don’t.

BEHAR: I know, Whoopi. But they’re close. Even though now –

GOLDBERG: That’s why I don’t believe them.

BEHAR: Biden is only slightly ahead and it’s only – what are we in, April now or March, whatever?  

SUNNY HOSTIN: Yeah, we’re in April.

BEHAR: Pretty soon – People are starting to focus and they’ll realize the danger that Trump poses. I believe that.

HOSTIN: You know —

BEHAR: I’m not a religious person but I’m making a novena.

HAINES: Oh, he’s definitely going to answer.

HOSTIN: And it’s good because it’s Holy Week. It’s Holy Week. So, it’s a very good time for that, Joy.


11:20:36 a.m. Eastern

HOSTIN: Didn’t he just choose a billionaire vice president?


HOSTIN: Who can help him get on the ballots in different states in battleground states.

GOLDBERG: Here’s the thing.

HOSTIN: That’s pretty smart.

GOLDBERG: Yeah, it’s one more bad message for folks that says you can buy the election.



BEHAR: That’s right.

GOLDBERG: It’s another — there’s so many – [Coughs] excuse me – So many messages here that – Keep in mind what you’re hearing. You’re not supposed to be able to buy a message — you’re not supposed to be able to buy an election.

HOSTIN: Buy your way onto a ballot.

GOLDBERG: You’re not supposed to be able to do that.

HOSTIN: The Supreme Court made sure he can.

BEHAR: That’s right.

GOLDBERG: And so many things are shifting, but you right now.


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