Washington State Now Offers Hotline for ‘Hate Crimes’ and ‘Bias Incidents’

This is not all that surprising but certainly terrifying. Washington finally took the cancel culture mindset to its logical conclusion at the beginning of March with the establishment of a nonpolice hotline for “hate crimes” and “bias incidents.”


This is not to say hate crimes never happen, and there are indeed cases of violence that involve targeting someone for their race, religion, or sexuality, but this is in a time where the demand for racism exceeds the supply so thoroughly that the Anti-Defamation League has to call the phrase “100%” racist because the Aryan Brotherhood and other white prison gangs happen to use that expression.

For Our VIPs: ‘100%’ Emoji Now Racist According to ADL

According to advocates for setting this up, however, the reason why hate crimes are rarely reported isn’t because they’re usually BS, but because:

“Many hate crimes currently go unreported to — or undocumented by — police and because police generally don’t record data on bias incidents, which are noncriminal in nature. Especially in marginalized communities, people might be afraid to contact police. Even when police are contacted, they might lack evidence to document a hate crime,” as the Times quoted the bill’s advocates.

Sure, let’s go with that. It’s not like there is an entire website dedicated to cataloging how often incidents reported as “hate crimes” ended up being utter bunk despite the mainstream media thoroughly believing them as hate crimes at first.


The Times also noted that the bill passed strictly along party lines (Seattle has Republicans?) and quoted their rightful concerns about this hotline targeting free speech.

State Rep. Cyndy Jacobsen (R-25th District) said that the hotline “Could be weaponized in a way that would not serve justice.” You think?

If there is one good thing about this bill (which isn’t much), it is that an earlier version would have included provisions in which people calling the hotline stood to receive compensation of up to $2,000 in taxpayer money for reporting the crime, but this was thankfully left out of the final version that ended up passing, according to the Advocate. Evidently, openly having a system of paid snitching just seemed a bit on the nose.

Fun historical fact: historians have estimated that for every 6-7 citizens of East Germany, the former commie half, one was an informant for the Ministry of State Security, better known as Stasi.

But at least the State of Washington has its priorities in order, such as ruling that the bar exam to practice law is now racist, implementing carbon taxes that will suck up billions from taxpayers every year, and insisting that schoolkids learn about LGBTUVWXYZ history in school.


It’s not like they’re having to deal with problems like homelessness, crime, rampant drug use, squatters, and whatever else my friend Victoria Taft can find about the insanity of Washington, California, and Oregon in her semi-regular series West Coast Messed Coast.

Her latest column discussed how Seattle passed a law essentially killing the food delivery service industry by implementing minimum wage laws, which you can check out here:

Related: West Coast, Messed Coast- Woke Seattle Suspends Law of Supply and Demand, Ruins an Industry

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