Yet Another Trump Hoax: Biden Campaign Selectively Edits Trump Comment on Illegal Aliens

Boy, Team Biden and the Democrats really are desperate. In yet another shameless case of lying, some genius in the Biden reelection campaign decided to hack up a recent comment by former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail in Grand Rapids, Mich. 


Trump was speaking about Jose Ibarra, the illegal immigrant from Venezuela who murdered Laken Riley in February. “Just a few weeks ago I met with the grieving family of Laken Riley… the 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal. Democrats said please don’t call immigrants ‘animals.’ I said, no, they’re not humans, they’re animals.”

Guess which part the Biden-Harris HQ page left out?

If you said the part referring to Ibarra and other illegal immigrants who have murdered American citizens, you are correct. Reuters gleefully covered the comment as “degrading” toward illegal immigrants, even though Trump was talking specifically about the ones who have committed murder and similar crimes. Reuters also trotted out the usual hogwash about illegals committing less crime than citizens.

Naturally, Trump’s online surrogates savaged the selectively edited video that stripped his comments of context.


Just last month, we had the left screaming and crying in faux hysteria about Trump using the term “bloodbath” while talking about the devastation auto imports would bring to the industry if he wasn’t reelected in November. But because this is Donald Trump we’re talking about, it was framed as Trump threatening to overthrow the government if he lost the upcoming election.

Related: Trump Warns of a ‘Bloodbath’ if He’s Not Elected. The Reaction Is Exactly What Trump Was Looking For

Three days later, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner was talking at Harvard University about the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and how Gaza could be rebuilt. The insane leftist meme group (yes, I know the left can’t meme) Occupy Democrats got it in their heads that Kushner wanted to permanently take all the civilians out of Gaza and build luxury condos.


The full context was, according to Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok, “In the full version it’s clear [Kushner] said he believes Gaza could have been valuable for *Palestinians* and that his proposal for civilians in Rafah is a temporary safe zone in the Negev as Israel continues its operation to free the hostages, which include American citizens, and eliminate terrorist infrastructure.”

Related: New Trump Hoax Just Dropped: Jared Kushner Wants to Build Luxury Apartments in Gaza

You would think these people would learn by now that making stuff up about Trump just makes them look stupid, desperate, and stupidly desperate.

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