Leftist Journos and Hollywood Celebs Trash Trump But Praise Pro-Hamas Protests

News & Politics

It’s an odd state of affairs when a former President of the United States is called a threat to the “bedrock tenets of democracy,” the “rule of law itself” and is compared to Adolf Hitler but pro-Hamas/anti-Semitic protestors are praised for “singing prayers of peace.”

Yet that is where the leftist press and their Hollywood friends are right now.


This past month saw ABC’s Good Morning America co-host and This Week moderator George Stephanopoulos warning his audience that Donald Trump was testing the “bedrock tenets of our democracy” in a way “we haven’t seen since the Civil War.” 

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace feared she would be out of a job after a Trump victory because of his “outward disdain” for a “free press.”

Meanwhile Wallace’s MSNBC colleague Joy Reid came out spinning for the pro-Hamas protestors who took over college campuses as she claimed they weren’t hurling anti-Semitic slurs but rather “singing words of peace.” 

Over on CNN, podcaster Kara Swisher waved her finger at the critics of the college kids: “Not to support them, is sort of anti-American.”

Hollywood celebrities spouted crazy exaggerations about Trump too. ABC’s Black-ish actress Jenifer Lewis feared that “Hitler” Trump “will punish everybody that didn’t vote for him,” put “us in camps.” While actress and talk show host Drew Barrymore begged Vice President Kamala Harris to be the “Momala of the country.”

The following are the most obnoxious outbursts by leftist journalists and celebrities during the month of April: 


Trump Is Testing the “Bedrock Tenets” of “Democracy”

“Until now, no American presidential race has been more defined on what’s happening in courtrooms than what is happening on the campaign trail. Until now. The scale of the abnormality is so staggering that it can actually become numbing. It’s all too easy to fall into reflective habits — to treat this as a normal campaign where both sides embrace the rule of law, where both sides are dedicated to a debate based on facts and the peaceful transfer of power. But that is not what’s happening this election year. Those bedrock tenets of our democracy are being tested in a way we haven’t seen since the Civil War. It’s a test for the candidates, for those of us in the media, and for all of us as citizens.”
— Moderator George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week, April 28.

A Trump Win Could Lead to the End of a “Free Press,” and “The Rule of Law Itself”

“Depending what happens in November — seven months from right now — this time next year, I might not be sitting here. There might not be a White House Correspondents Dinner or a free press. While our democracy won’t exactly fall apart immediately without it, the real threat looms larger. A candidate with outward disdain not just for a free press but for all of our freedoms and the rule of law itself.” 
— Host Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC’s Deadline: White House, April 29.

Protesters Aren’t Hurling Anti-Semitic Insults, They’re “Singing Words of Peace”

“I saw….these students singing and singing about peace and singing salaam, singing words of peace. So, it just didn’t square with what I was even hearing on television and television commentators saying was shrieking anti-Semitism, I didn’t hear it.”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, April 22. 

“Anti-American” To Oppose Young Pro-Hamas Protesters

“The question is, are you for order and against chaos, or for protests and the right to free speech?…All the free-speech warriors are suddenly like, order, order, we must have order. And so there are heinous things that are said, but there is a line where you have to support also young people, especially when they do things that they do badly. Not to support them, is sort of anti-American in a way.”
— Podcast host/former New York Magazine contributing editor Kara Swisher on CNN’s The Chris Wallace Show, April 27.

Netanyahu = Stalin

“It is increasingly looking like Benjamin Netanyahu had a plan to force famine on the Palestinian people, on the Gazan people, to amp up the pressure on Hamas….You’re starving women and children in Gaza….They’re now having to grind up dog food and cat food and….drink salt water….It’s savage conditions, and it’s calculated….It’s calculated just like Stalin’s starvation of Ukrainians was calculated.”  
— Co-host Joe Scarborough on MSNBC’s Morning Joe
, April 5. 

If You Vote for Trump, You Are Not a “Patriot”

“There’s a patriotic duty to support President Biden against Donald Trump, for this reason: Patriotism is allegiance to an idea. It’s not just an allegiance to your own kind. That’s nationalism. Trump is a nationalist. President Biden is a patriot.”
— MSNBC contributor/presidential historian Jon Meacham on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, April 19.

Fretting That Trump’s Trials May Hurt Biden 

“These legal cases have only helped him fundraising….energized his base….He’s risen in the polls with every indictment….The problem for Joe Biden and the Democrats is….the trial is crowding out everything else. So Joe Biden goes out and does policy things….But everything else is crowded out….That’s what happened in 2016 to Hillary Clinton and that could be replicated this year.”
— NBC chief foreign correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell on NBC’s Meet the Press, April 21.

“Wonderfully Poetic!” Joy Reid Cheers “My DEIs” for Prosecuting Trump

“The first person to actually criminally prosecute Donald Trump is a black Harvard grad….He came out and graduated and he’s prosecuting you, Donald. And a black woman is doing the same exact thing in Georgia. And a black woman forced you to pay a $175 million fine….Trump is being held to account by the very multicultural, multiracial democracy that he’s trying to dismantle. And for me, there’s something poetic and actually wonderful about that. It says something good about our country that we’re still capable of having that happen. Go, DEI! My DEIs are bringing it home.”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, April 15.

Katie Couric’s Condescending Take on Trump Voters

“The socio-economic disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot and anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these anti-establishment  — which are Trump voters — so, I think that is a huge problem that we have to address.”
— Former NBC Today co-host and CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric on HBO Real Time host Bill Maher’s podcast Club Random with Bill Maher, April 14. 

Immediately Tying Trump to Man Who Set Himself on Fire

“It seems then, that the gravitational pull of the Trump melodrama that has gripped the nation since he came down the escalator has now, it appears, resulted in someone coming to that where protesters have gathered and lit himself on fire.”
— Correspondent Terry Moran during ABC’s live coverage of the Donald Trump trial, April 19. 

Trump = Cult Leader Like David Koresh, Jim Jones or Charles Manson

“What Donald Trump is doing….it’s kind of David Koresh. It’s kind of Jim Jones. Because those two men started by saying, ‘You need to come to Jesus.’ They started as Christian evangelizers. But eventually, their evangelism said, ‘No, I get to have your wife. No actually, I get to tell you to kill these federal agents that are outside. I’m asking you to pick up a machine gun and shoot them because I don’t want to go to jail.’…It’s making me lose my mind to watch people who call themselves Christians fall down on their knees and worship this man. This is [Charles] Manson stuff.”
— Co-host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, April 2. 

It’s a Conspiracy! Blaming High Gas Prices on Donald’s Oil Business Buddies 

“These prices are not the fault of President Biden….We’ve got the highest oil production in U.S. history and some overseas oil producers who would sure like to help DJT.”
— Host Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC’s The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle, April 17.

NBC’s Brief Hiring of Former RNC Chair Was a Blow to “Democracy”

“It was an unpleasant few days at our network….In mainstream media, we need to include an array of voices. But there’s a line, and the line is truth….You have to be someone upholding our democracy.”
— NBC’s Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, April 3.

America Ruled By a Bunch of “Grumpy Old Men” Like Afghanistan and Iran

“[France] actually signed into law a constitutional amendment to guarantee a woman’s right to make choices about her own body….This was sort of a demonstration of will by….a country that’s very supportive of your revolution, to show that this is universal human rights and that women actually need to be treated like adults and whether it’s Afghanistan, Iran, or the United States, a bunch of grumpy old men shouldn’t be making essential decisions.”
— PBS/CNN host Christiane Amanpour on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, April 11. 

“Handmaid’s Tale Come to Life” in Arizona

“People say it may sound like a joke….A lot of people are saying, unfortunately, it is not a joke. And that is where we’re going to begin today….The [Arizona] Supreme Court reinstating a law from the 1800s — 1800s — that bans nearly all abortion in the state….I’ve heard people use the phrases like “Is this Handmaid’s Tale come to life, in real life?’”
— Co-host Gayle King on CBS Mornings, April 10.

Republicans Are Making Women’s Lives “More Miserable” 

“[Mike] Pence, Lindsey Graham, and [Donald] Trump are fighting to see who could make women’s lives more miserable. That’s like what they’re really fighting for. ‘How can we really destroy women in this country?’ That’s it.”
— Co-host Joy Behar on ABC’s The View, April 9.

“Hitler” Trump “Will Punish Everybody That Didn’t Vote For Him,” Put “Us In Camps”

“If that man [Donald Trump] gets in, as soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the Capitol….He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is, and he will tear it up in our faces and say, ‘Now I’m the king of the fucking world. You will bow down, bitches.’ He will punish everybody that didn’t vote for him….I know what mental illness looks like! That mania is unstoppable! See, this motherfucker is Hitler. He didn’t come to play….That motherfucker will have us in camps.” 
— ABC’s Black-ish actress Jenifer Lewison the Sirius/XM radio show Mornings with Zerlina, April 4.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are the “Father” and “Momala” of “Our Country”

“I keep thinking in my head that we all need a mom. I’ve been thinking that we really all need a tremendous hug in the world right now, but in our country, we need you to be Momala of the country.”
— Actress/talk show host Drew Barrymore to Vice President Kamala Harris on the syndicated The Drew Barrymore Show, April 29. 

“You’re the kind of leader I love, because we’re lucky to have you in the Oval Office. And serving as the father of the country because if you’re a good father to your family — which you are — I know you’ll be a good father to the country.” 
— Host Howard Stern to President Joe Biden on Sirius/XM’s The Howard Stern Show, April 26. 

Trump Actually Benefiting From “Two-Tiered System of Justice” 

“[Trump] is part of a two-tiered system of justice but not in the way he thinks he is. He is getting way more concessions than the average criminal defendant would get. He’s getting delays, he’s got access to all kinds of lawyers that are filing this and filing that, delaying every trial, and most people don’t have access to that kind of lawyering, don’t have access to the kind of concessions that the justice system will provide to you if you can afford it.”
— Musician/actor John Legend on MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki, April 15. 

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