Michael Cohen Just Blew Up Bragg’s Case Against Trump

Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump has been in trouble as witness after witness for the prosecution seems to undermine it. Michael Cohen’s testimony proved to be no different. 


Bragg’s team really needed a win here after weeks of testimony for the prosecution that proved devastating for its case. Keith Davidson, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, argued during his testimony that the $130,000 transaction with Daniels should not be considered “hush money” but rather a valid “consideration” payment. 

Hope Hicks’ testimony delivered another blow to the prosecution’s case when she testified that Trump’s nondisclosure agreement with Daniels aimed to shield his family from potentially damaging media exposure rather than to sway the outcome of the election. 

And then Stormy Daniels’ testimony was expertly unraveled by the defense team, which pointed out how she’s repeatedly changed her story depending on what was the most useful and profitable narrative for her at any given time.

The prosecution’s case then came down to the testimony of Michael Cohen. Cohen not only admitted to recording Trump without his knowledge or consent, but he said the recordings showed that Trump was actually just following his advice.

“The most important thing about the audiotape is that there was an audiotape. For most lawyers, watching… listening to this tape is, is really an appalling moment. The very idea that an attorney would tape a client without their knowledge or consent just shatters every aspect of professional conduct, but the tape really doesn’t offer much,” George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow on Monday.


“Like much else in Cohen’s testimony, he gives these details of how he goes to his client and says, ‘I fixed the problem. I arranged for payments.’ I’m, you know, this is not, this story is going to go away, at least before the election and Trump is saying things like ‘good, good,’” 

Turley added, “Well, that sounds a lot like a client following the directions of his lawyer. But now the lawyer is telling the jury, I think you should send my client to prison for doing what I suggested for him to do.”

Related: Yes, Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Is Falling Apart. But Will That Matter?

“There is nothing illegal here. What Cohen was describing is not a crime,” Turley said. “The prosecutors are making great fanfare over proving non-criminal acts and non-contested allegations. Yeah, there was an NDA. Yeah, money was paid. That happens all the time, and so we’re still left with this bizarre situation of a trial over something that none of us have yet been told what the crime is.”

Naturally, the mainstream media is pretending that Cohen’s testimony was damning for Trump. Why? Because they’re too blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome to see this case objectively. But you can always count on us to give you the facts — even if that means getting censored and demonetized.


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