Transgender Kills Civilian: Runs Him Over, Stabs Him & Kisses Him

News & Politics

The left still likes to tell you that transgender people aren’t struggling mentally … 

Karon Fisher, a transgender woman in Houston, Texas, allegedly crashed into the body of 64-year-old Steven Anderson earlier this month, before stabbing him to his death, kissing him and prancing over his body.

Co-Owner of Trending Politics, Collin Rugg, posted a video of the incident which looks like it was obtained from someone’s outdoor security camera.

According to reports, Anderson was outside getting the mail from his mailbox when Fisher rammed right into him with a vehicle. Fisher allegedly then reversed the car in order to hit Anderson again while witnesses called 911.

The video shows Fisher, who was wearing what looked like a bra and underpants, flip over Anderson’s limp body before straddling and kissing him.

Reports indicate that Fisher then stabbed Anderson a total of nine times before prancing over his body like a gazelle and walking away “as if nothing had happened.”

Neighbors were terrified at the sight, rightfully so. “It’s very disturbing. I have kids here; they could have been out here playing,” a neighbor told ABC13 while another noted how shocking it was that the murder happened in “broad daylight” saying “it happened right under our noses.”

The suspect previously was on community supervision for five years over evading arrest in 2023 and in 2021 was charged with prostitution. The same day Fisher allegedly killed Anderson, reports indicate that he assaulted a staff member at the hospital. He’s being held on a two million dollar bond. 

Twitter CEO Elon Musk summed it up simply but perfectly when he responded “terrible” to this horrific story.

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