Can Biden’s Military Tear Itself Away From Drag Shows Long Enough to Deal With Terrorist Threats?

He wanted us to believe he was just an extremely dedicated Amazon driver, but he was something much more sinister. And his adventures point yet again to the genuine risks and dangers of the Biden regime’s open border, its resolute ignoring of the reality of jihad terror, and its wokeification of the military.


Stars and Stripes reported Wednesday that “two people were placed in the custody of U.S. immigration officials after they tried to drive a delivery truck past security guards and onto a Marine Corps base in Virginia.” When they drove up to the Fuller Road Gate of the Marine base, sentries stopped them, as they do all incoming traffic.

The pair tried to give the impression that everything was strictly routine: Quantico spokesman Captain Michael Curtis stated that “when asked, the operator of the truck informed the military police officers they worked for a company subcontracted by Amazon and were making a delivery to the U.S. post office located in the town of Quantico.” They likely figured that an Amazon delivery driver would simply be waved through, or allowed in after a cursory search. 

This time, however, things didn’t turn out the way they wanted: “Because the two had no affiliation with the Marine base and no credentials to enter, military police officers directed them to go to a holding area for standard vetting procedures.” That’s when the red flags began to be raised: “One of the officers noticed the driver ignored the instructions and attempted to drive onto the base.”

No harm was done. Quantico’s vehicle denial barriers were deployed, and the two men in the truck were turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement since it turned out when their identities were checked that they were here illegally. That’s bad enough in itself, as it indicates yet again how much Old Joe Biden and his henchmen are endangering Americans by letting the border become a meaningless line on the map.


But wait, it gets worse: Potomac Local News reported Friday that “multiple sources report one of the individuals inside the truck is a Jordanian foreign national who recently crossed the southern border into the U.S., and that one of the occupants is on the U.S. terrorist watch list. Quantico did not confirm this information.” That’s worth noting, but it isn’t exactly a denial, either. The Biden regime and its woke military don’t want people getting alarmed, and the best way to keep everyone calm is to pretend that incidents of this kind are not happening, and indeed, could not happen.

Yet they are. Even if Potomac Local News’ multiple sources are inaccurate, and they very well may be, what exactly would prevent a Jordanian national on the terror watch list from waltzing across the Southern border and trying to gain entry to a military base? Precisely nothing.

Compounding the risk is the fact that the Biden regime’s military is far too busy purging the ranks of patriots, pushing Critical Race Theory, and hosting drag shows to be too concerned about something so emblematic of the bad old America as Islamic jihad terrorism. In fact, the Biden regime has never acknowledged the reality of jihad, and its wonks would likely think it “Islamophobic” to do so. That means today’s DEI force is woefully ill-equipped to confront a foe they refuse to understand. One day someone on the terror watch list is going to figure out how to manipulate that willful ignorance, and the consequences could be explosive.


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This time they weren’t. Stars and Stripes noted that no weapons were found in the truck that had tried to get into the Marine base. So was this a kind of dry run, testing how difficult it would be to get into Quantico? The possibility cannot be discounted, and we can only hope that at least some military officials have been able to tear themselves away from Trump-and-all-white-people-are-bad class long enough to strategize about how to ensure that the next attempt to breach the security of a Marine base will be stymied, just as this one was.

In Old Joe Biden’s America, however, you can never be sure. After all, there are so very many things that the military must do, such as manufacture more medals for our thoroughly unaccomplished generals, who don’t even know what winning a war would look like. They can’t be expected to devote their time to something as trivial as national security.

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