Haines Smears Butker: Claims He’s in an ‘Extremist’ ‘Cult-Like’ Religion

ABC’s The View was pulsing with anti-Catholic bigotry during Thursday’s show, as pretend-moderate co-host Sara Haines lashed out and smeared Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker and his Catholic faith as “extremists” and “cult-like.” His crime? Giving a commencement address at Catholic, Benedictine College where he talked about – among other things – how some women find fulfillment in being homemakers. In addition, “comedian” Joy Behar claimed he had “big mother issues.”

Haines’s bitter anti-Catholic hatred gushed like a firehose. She claimed that Butker was a member of “a very extreme religion” because he attended “the traditional Latin mass,” which she treated like a separate sect of Catholicism. Without evidence, she claimed he was practicing something “cult-like and extremist like some religions in the Middle East and Asia.”

She then proceeded to lecture Butker about how he doesn’t “walk with Jesus” and oppressed people:

So, what I can say to him, as a Christian, is if you’re using this to oppress people or hold them down you’re not walking with Jesus. If you are using the religion, if you’re more obsessed with the religious rituals and practices than you are with the word of Jesus, you’re not walking with Jesus. And if you’re using it for the judgment of others and as a weapon to beat people down you’re also not walking with Jesus.

“So, I would really encourage him, really encourage him to find the best parts of faith and not diverge into extremist beliefs,” she chided.

Faux-conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin got in on the Butker bashing (likely because he also made a joke about her idol Taylor Swift, referring to her as ‘my teammate’s girlfriend’). She chastised him for daring to talk about politics in his commencement address, as many speakers do. She decried how he called out President Biden, but then she turned around and whined that he didn’t say anything against former President Trump:

he steps further by wading into the political. He took a swipe at Joe Biden, he brought up DEI, which has nothing to do with anything I’ve ever read in scripture, and then he leaned really heavily into talking about, like, the ideal man and being a godly man, an example; missed the opportunity to talk about the man who might be the leader of the free world, Donald Trump, and his many shortcomings.

Behar chimed in to diagnose Butker with Freudian “mother issues.” Without evidence, she claimed he was big “angry” because his “super-duper,” “very accomplished physicist” mom was “probably” not home “because she was busy with her career.”

Also, without evidence, she claimed he had “nothing but disdain” for Swift because he told the joke. “So get a therapist!” she shouted.

Their cognitive dissonance was deafening. Later in the show, they brought on actor Nick Offerman and his female farmer friend. They praised how she went from working in the world of fine art to being a farmer and… a homemaker. “Her masterpieces are on the dinner table or in their kids’ values rather than on a canvas,” Offerman touted, after mocking Butker earlier in the interview.

Shockingly, the only person making a lick of sense on the entire set was moderator Whoopi Goldberg. She pointed out the obvious that Butker was “at a Catholic College. He’s a staunch Catholic. These are his beliefs and he’s welcome to them.”

Goldberg compared Butker with the saga of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. “The same way we want respect when Colin Kaepernick takes a knee, we want to give respect to people whose ideas are different from ours,” she argued.

“So, I’m okay with him saying whatever he says and the women who were sitting there, if they take his advice, good for them, they’ll be happy. If they don’t, good for them, they’ll be happy a different way. That’s my attitude,” she declared.

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

ABC’s The View
May 16, 2024
11:04:58 a.m. Eastern


WHOOPI GOLDBERG: So, the NFL released a statement that he gave this speech in his personal capacity and they do not — the NFL does not share his views.

So, you know, listen, I like when people say what they need to say. He’s at a Catholic College. He’s a staunch Catholic. These are his beliefs and he’s welcome to them. I don’t have to believe them. I don’t have to accept them. The ladies that were sitting in that audience do not have to accept them.

The same way we want respect when Colin Kaepernick takes a knee, we want to give respect to people whose ideas are different from ours, because the man who says he wants to be president, you-know-who. He says the way to act is take away people’s right to say how they feel.

We don’t want to be that. We don’t want to be those people. So, I’m okay with him saying whatever he says and the women who were sitting there, if they take his advice, good for them, they’ll be happy. If they don’t, good for them, they’ll be happy a different way. That’s my attitude.


SARA HAINES: I agree with you and I disagree with you.

GOLDBERG: That’s okay.

HAINES: So, I agree with you that – in the spirit of freedom speech, I don’t want people shut down or fired for things they’re willing to say. I will break with you on the comparison to Colin Kaepernick, for this reason: Colin Kaepernick was standing up for the rights of many and saying in a social justice moment, this is a reminder that we’re not there yet.

What this man is doing is not just a devout Catholic, this is someone who’s practicing something called the traditional Latin mass, which is divergent to the majority of Catholics. It’s compared to being cult-like and extremist like some religions in the Middle East and Asia. So, this is a very extreme religion.

And what bothers me about that, as a Christian, is that when people abuse Christianity, they often not only cherry-pick from the Bible, they misinterpret and lie by omission, by taking out parts that would have explained something a little better.

So, what I can say to him, as a Christian, is if you’re using this to oppress people or hold them down you’re not walking with Jesus. If you are using the religion, if you’re more obsessed with the religious rituals and practices than you are with the word of Jesus, you’re not walking with Jesus. And if you’re using it for the judgment of others and as a weapon to beat people down you’re also not walking with Jesus.

So, I would really encourage him, really encourage him to find the best parts of faith and not diverge into extremist beliefs.


GOLDBERG: But if this is — if this is his belief system, there are many Catholics who are staunch this way.

HAINES: A small, small percentage go to the Latin mass.

GOLDBERG: I’m just telling you there are many people who believe this way and I’m simply saying rather than write a petition to get him fired because this is –

HAINES: Don’t get him fired.

GOLDBERG: That’s what I’m talking about.

HAINES: The Pope discourages it. Just so you know, In the Catholic Church the Pope diverges from this belief.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Just one thing, if I may. I don’t know if you guys now this, I went to a very religious college [Patrick Henry College] and a lot of what he was talking about here was largely Christian Catholic orthodoxy, but he steps further by wading into the political. He took a swipe at Joe Biden, he brought up DEI, which has nothing to do with anything I’ve ever read in scripture, and then he leaned really heavily into talking about, like, the ideal man and being a godly man, an example; missed the opportunity to talk about the man who might be the leader of the free world, Donald Trump, and his many shortcomings.


11:11:14 a.m. Eastern

JOY BEHAR: I was going to say something completely out of the field. I don’t think that this is a political issue. I think he has mother issues.


HAINES: He may!

SUNNY HOSTIN: Yes! Yes! He Does!

BEHAR: Wait. His mother is a very accomplished physicist.

HAINES: Went to Smith College.

BEHAR: I mean super-duper accomplished woman. His mother, now he probably was left alone because she was busy with her career. He’s angry.

HOSTIN: Do the therapy. Do the therapy.

BEHAR: This is my armchair therapist. I agree. I’m not a professional therapist but I play one on TV. And I think that’s the real issue. He has big mother issues. He refers to Taylor Swift as that so-and-so. What did he say?

FARAH GRIFFIN: His teammate’s girlfriend.

BEHAR: Another hugely accomplished woman he has nothing by disdain for, because of mommy! So get a therapist!


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