Want Spies With That? Chinese and Iranian Moles Are Posing As DoorDash Drivers

News & Politics

Take a good look at your DoorDash driver the next time you have a late-night hankering for an $18 Big Mac. He/she/zhe/Xi may be a spook.

The Daily Mail is reporting that Iran and China are sending terrorists and spies into the U.S., where they are posing as DoorDash drivers. No, they aren’t trying to steal your Netflix password; they’re attempting to get onto military bases. And yes, the Russians are getting in on the DoorDash scam as well.


Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wisc.) told the Daily Mail that the U.S., which CURRENTLY HAS A WIDE-OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER THANKS TO JOE BIDEN, is being inundated with spies and terrorists. 

“When you’re talking about the number of Chinese coming across the southern border,” Grothman revealed to the Daily Mail, “not that they’re all here doing intelligence research, but when it goes up by a factor of 80 in one year, you’ve got to wonder what’s going on here.”

FACT-O-RAMA! Well over 40,000 illegal immigrants from China, most of whom are single, military-aged men, have successfully crossed the border in the past two years.

Chinese nationals tried to squeeze onto military bases in the U.S. roughly 100 times just in 2023, roughly once every three or four days. They sometimes pose as DoorDash drivers who have “wandered off course” and “accidentally” showed up at a secret nuclear site.

The mainstream media didn’t think it was important to mention the two individuals who tried recently to muscle their way onto a Marine base in Virginia while posing as Amazon deliverymen. 


When the sentries at the gate directed the suspicious duo to a nearby holding lot for verification, the driver gunned the engine and tried to blow past them and enter the base. 

One of the men had a Jordanian passport and had recently been allowed over the southern border. The other was on a U.S. terror watch list. Both of them were turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

FACT-O-RAMA! For what it’s worth, many Palestinians get passports from Jordan.

A Chinese national successfully breached the security at the Marine Air Corps Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, Calif., the biggest Marine training base in the world. When told to leave, he proceeded further onto the base and was quickly apprehended.

Some of the spies have been caught photographing bases or even using drones for surveillance. 

PINKO-RAMA! More Chinese nationals are cascading over the border than any other nation.

Other Chinese people were busted pretending to be staying on a base in Alaska. Still more tried to walk into a missile site in New Mexico. Others were caught scuba diving near Florida’s Cape Canaveral, which is home to missile launch pads.

“So it’s of particular concern because it’s so easy now to get in here,” Grothman told the Daily Mail. “I mean, in essence, the United States has an open border. There’s no time more tempting for foreign countries to come in here and say, ‘let’s poke around and get information on American military bases.”’


As the American military spends time in classrooms learning about Marxist gender studies, our enemies are strolling across the southern border to spy on sensitive military bases.

The House Oversight Committee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs met Thursday morning to discuss the onslaught of spies and terrorists Biden is allowing into our nation.

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