Israel’s Erdan Slams UN Council for Honoring Terror-Promoting Raisi

News & Politics

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations (UN) called out the terrorist-loving entity’s Security Council for honoring the even more terrorist-loving Iranian president, the “butcher of Tehran,” after his death in a helicopter crash.


Ebrahim Raisi was among the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) officials killed in a helicopter crash, and as usual, the UN (including Biden’s representative) was quick to be on the wrong side of history with its reaction. While the women of Iran celebrated the death of the man who so viciously persecuted them, and in spite of the thousands — nay, millions — of victims of Raisi’s terror-supporting government, the UN Security Council honored Raisi. This would be similar to observing a moment of silence in honor of the death of Nazi mass murderer Adolf Hitler, according to Erdan, whose country of Israel has long been a target of Raisi’s regime.

In a video posted to Twitter/X, Erdan said, “You saw correctly. The UN Security Council dedicated a moment of silence in memory of the mass-murdering president of Iran, Raisi. What a disgrace! This council, which has taken no real steps to advance the release of our hostages [from Hamas], bowed its head for a man responsible for massacring and murdering thousands in Iran, in Israel, and around the globe.”


Erdan added, “What’s next? Will the council dedicate a moment of silence to commemorate Hitler? The Security Council has become a threat to global peace and security.” Amen, Erdan. The UN causes and contributes to far more crises and wars than it ever helps to solve.

The United Nations agency UNRWA is infested with terror-tied individuals and pro-Hamas radicals, and the UN as a whole has some 50 Muslim nations as members. So perhaps it is not a surprise that the UN Security Council would mourn the death of Ebrahim Raisi despite the latter’s bloody and brutal record both in Iran and abroad. But it is still completely shameful that the Council has observed a moment of silence in Raisi’s honor, as Erdan emphasized. 

RelatedNo One Is Happier About Raisi’s Death Than the Oppressed Women of Iran

Raisi’s IRI regime has been a major state sponsor of terrorism with countless victims around the globe. It supports the complete obliteration of Israel. Raisi was equally vicious at home in Iran. As PJ Media’s Stephen Green wrote:

Raisi was “elected” president in 2021 after decades of coming up through the bloody ranks of Iran’s hardcore Shiite Muslim theocracy. He earned the “butcher” moniker for his part on the 1988 “death committee” that quickly sentenced more than 5,000 dissidents to death — and just as quickly had them killed. Dissidents reckon that Raisi is directly responsible for the deaths of around 30,000 Iranians.


More recently, Raisi oversaw the harsh crackdown on freedom protests over the last couple of years in Iran, a crackdown which had thousands of both men and women — though especially the latter — arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and/or raped. Raisi’s IRI regime has also spent years supporting Palestinian terrorists and has done so very prominently in the current attack, including by celebrating the atrocities of Oct. 7. It’s no wonder that Iranians have reportedly taken to the streets to celebrate Raisi’s death.

As Erdan put it on the sign he carried into the UN, the “butcher of Iran will not be missed.”

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