Scarborough Mocks Rudy For Creating Coffee Brand—Forgets He Also Has One!

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Katty Kay Elisabeth Bumiller Sam Stein MSNBC Morning Joe 5-22-24 It’s not just Joe Scarborough’s phone buddy Joe Biden with troubling issues of memory loss.

It’s also 61-year-old Scarborough himself. Concerns continue to mount over the Morning Joe host’s apparently failing memory.

Earlier this month, we noted Scarborough ripping the media for portraying Trump voters as “people stumbling drunk out of their trailer park and shooting raccoons or something like that.”

Poor Joe had apparently forgotten that he himself had recently mocked Republican Rep. James Comer of Kentucky claiming apropos of his committee’s investigation of Hunter Biden: “We ain’t got nuthin’ but a squirrel fryer and a hound dog.”

Now, more troubling evidence has emerged of Scarborough’s apparent memory loss and declining mental acuity.

On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough mocked Rudy Giuliani for creating his own eponymously-named brand of coffee.  After the show displayed images of Rudy’s coffee, Mika Brzezinski exclaimed, “Oh my God! This is not real, is it? It is! That’s the problem.”

Lamented Scarborough in response, “Yeah, unfortunately. This is our world, 2024.”

Starbucks Morning Joe coffee It obviously escaped poor Scarborough’s memory that Rudy is not the only one in the political/media world to have his own coffee brand. There’s also . . . you, Joe! Perhaps the image here will refresh your enfeebled memory. Starbucks “Morning Joe” brand has been on the market for years.

Although Joe and Mika slurred Rudy’s coffee as tasting like “hair dye and sweat,” it’s not clear that “Morning Joe” coffee ever sold well. Although it’s still available via Amazon, one reviewer mentioned that it’s hard to find in supermarkets. When it first came out, Scarborough tried to promote his coffee, often displaying it on the Morning Joe set. 

This is Scarborough’s second recent episode of apparent memory loss. Should it happen again, Mika might want to have her husband seen by a good neurologist. 

Bonus Coverage: Scarborough Slimes Trump Voters As ‘Stupid’

In light of Trump’s attorneys in the Stormy Daniels hush money trial resting their defense without calling the former president as as a witness, Scarborough opened today’s show by repeatedly accusing Trump of lying when he suggested that he was inclined to testify at the trial. Scarborough seized on the matter to slime Trump voters for believing him about anything.

I wonder who’s stupid enough to believe him, right? I wonder why his voters keep going back to this guy when he lies. Because it’s not just about — it’s about everything. 

And speaking of “stupid,” Scarborough also fantasized about Trump’s campaign people calling him “stupid, dumb” and “an idiot.” 

Here’s the transcript of Scarborough mocking Rudy for marketing a coffee brand, Joe forgetting that he has a coffee brand of his own.

Morning Joe
6:03 am EDT

JOE SCARBOROUGH: For a guy that really doesn’t believe anything, that is one thing he believes. That states should be able to take away women’s right to get contraceptives, to have abortions, whatever.

Then he goes back to his campaign. They go, that was really stupid, Donald. You’re really dumb, Donald. You need to change your opinion, Donald. You’re an idiot, Donald. That’s what they’re say to him. 

I’m surprised they talk to him that way. But they do, I guess. And so, then he changes his mind again. Oh, wait. No wait. No, those are Democrats that are — no, they’re not Democrats saying thast. Just like the Democrats saying that he was going to testify, when the whole world knew he was lying about testifying because he would perjure himself on the stand, and he was afraid of what he would have to admit about this tawdry encounter with a porn star and a payoff through Michael Cohen.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Okay. So when asked —

SCARBOROUGH: That’s all I have to say, Mika.

MIKA: Thank you.Thank you, very much. Right out of the box, he’s awake. I was worried when I talked to him on the phone this morning that he was a little sleepy.

SAM STEIN: He’s had his ice cream.

MIKA: Okay.You done good.

SCARBOROUGH: You know what it is, Mika, actually. And it’s so funny, I called Elisabeth yesterday as well.

MIKA: Uh-oh.

SCARBOROUGH: It ends up, it’s not just me. It’s everybody in the Times Washington bureau. When they’re tired, they drink Rudy’s drip coffee.

MIKA: Oh, which you drink black?

ELISABETH BUMILLER: No, I don’t drink black.

SCARBOROUGH: That’s what’s keeping us awake. 

STEIN: Has anyone tried the coffee yet?

MIKA: Rudy says it’s really good.

STEIN: Has anyone tried the coffee yet?


STEIN: I’m interested.

SCARBOROUGH: Nobody’s tried the coffee. I mean, it’s the hair dye and sweat.

MIKA: It’s the hair dye sweat mixed in that gives it a special flavor.


STEIN: You have to report it out.

MIKA: Then you put it in the Ninja [ice cream maker] and wow, it’s fluffy. Okay, so when asked why —

SCARBOROUGH: [Images of Rudy’s coffee appear on screen] Oh, yummy.

STEIN: What do you think is in the mug?

MIKA: Oh my God! This is not real, is it? It is! That’s the problem.

SCARBOROUGH: Yeah, unfortunately. This is our world, 2024.

MIKA: Center, center [makes self-calming gesture.]

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