Democrats vilify NYC parents, demand they abandon request for policy review of transvestites in girls’ sports

News & Politics

The largest community school board district in Manhattan
approved a resolution in March recommending that the New York City Department of Education permit a public review of its policy allowing cross-dressing boys to participate in girls’ sports.

This suggestion — that the DOE would dare conduct a policy review involving parents, coaches, and female athletes —infuriated radicals, who have since smeared the dissenting parents and targeted them for abuse.

Over a dozen affluent Democratic officials joined in on the attacks this week, suggesting that Community Education Council District 2’s Resolution 248 was rooted in “bigotry and hate.”

Be it resolved

The resolution
notes at the outset that in 2019, the NYC DOE released its “‘Guidelines on Gender‘ which changed several school policies, most significantly replacing the category of biological sex with gender identity in all areas including Public School Athletic League (PSAL) sports teams and participation.”

‘The Guidelines were developed by the City’s first LGBTQ Liaison and stakeholders who were already supportive of replacing sex with gender identity.’

Section 9 of the guidelines indicate a student can engage in contact sports and athletic activities in accordance with his or her so-called gender identity.

“The publicly available information on the process of developing the 2019 Gender guidelines does not indicate that female athletes, coaches, or sports medicine doctors or evolutionary biology experts were ever consulted or considered despite the long history of female athletes fighting for equitable and meaningful access to sports participation,” said the resolution. “The Guidelines were developed by the City’s first LGBTQ Liaison and stakeholders who were already supportive of replacing sex with gender identity.”

According to the resolution, the gender ideologues who crafted the guidelines also did not bother considering the “well-documented importance of sports participation in academic success, mental health, physical health, or socio-emotional well being of girls.”

The resolution did not go so far as to recommend a reversal of the policy. Instead, it simply asked that the DOE convene a review committee involving female athletes, parents, coaches, relevant medical professionals, and other professionals with relevant expertise whose insights were avoided.

‘We can stick our head in the sand, and we can refuse to acknowledge that there are differences in athletes.’

CECD 2 president Leonard Silverman
said, “This is an issue where our definitions of gender are continuing to evolve,” reported the New York Times.

“We can stick our head in the sand, and we can refuse to acknowledge that there are differences in athletes,” said Silverman. “Or we can try to have an honest, open, transparent discussion about these issues.”

The resolution passed in an 8-3 vote on March 20 — to the chagrin of the city council members, actress Elliot Page, and other activists who were reportedly in attendance.

Leftist apoplexy

The vote did not sit well with the radicals in the room.

Non-straight NYC DOE employee Jared Danker said the resolution would “marginalize and discriminate against a group of students who need our affirmation and support,”
reported the New York Post.

NYC Council member Erik Bottcher said, “We are outraged that you’re considering a resolution targeting transgender girls and sports. It is utterly shocking that such a regressive and harmful resolution is being proposed in the school district in the middle of Manhattan.”

Alaina Daniels, a transvestite activist who runs an after-school program in the area, suggested the proposal amounted to a threat to “trans existence.”

“We’re under attack in this very room,” he said.

State Sen. Brad Hoylman-Sigal
said in a statement, “It is utterly shocking that such a regressive and harmful resolution is being proposed in a school district that covers much of Manhattan.”

“Resolution #248 is based on the false premise that the gender identity policy negatively impacts female athletes, and stems from the misguided notion that the inclusion of transgender students in sports diminishes the experience of other student athletes,” said Hoylman-Sigal.

Maud Maron, a Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2022 and who cosponsored the resolution, countered the radicals’ claims, suggesting there was nothing “transphobic” about the resolution.

“If we have a proper and real conversation, one of the outcomes could be that nothing changes and that we all discover that these guidelines are just perfect as they are,” said Maron.

Following the vote, the DOE reiterated its commitment to allowing transvestites to participate in sports “in accordance with their gender identity.”

Democrats jump in to punch down

On May 20, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), Assemblyman Tony Simone, state Sens. Kiz Krueger and Brad Hoylman-Sigal, five city council members, and other Democratic officials circulated their letter to CECD 2, stating the resolution is “hateful, discriminatory, and actively harmful to New York City students in District 2.”

“Since the passage of #248 in March, Chancellor [David C.] Banks has made clear that the resolution does not conform with the values of the Department of Education, issuing a firm statement that the recommendations laid out in it will not be accepted or considered,” continued the letter. “We are proud of the Chancellor’s strong response, and believe this CEC must start the work of repairing relationships within this district by removing #248 from the public record.”

Nadler — who is running for re-election against
Republican Mike Zumbluskas — and his posse claimed that “some of you undoubtedly think that this resolution was ‘simply asking for a conversation,’ [but] in reality that conversation was based in anti-LGBT+ rhetoric that is spreading in our country, state, city, and school districts, and the impact is heartbreaking.”

The letter intimated that a failure to rescind the proposal could drive transvestites to suicide.

“Our school system must stand for justice and equity, not bigotry and hate,” continued the letter. “Our community education councils must be fighting for every student, not attack, ridicule, or marginalize the vulnerable.”

Simone subsequently told the Times that he was “personally outraged” by the proposal, claiming it “creates a conversation that is not needed.”

Simone and the other authors of the letter may not want to have the conversation because most New Yorkers disagree with them on the issue.

A Siena College Poll
revealed in April that a majority of New York Democrats and more than 75% of Republicans and independents “support requiring high school athletes to compete in sports with those of the same sex athletes.”

A national Gallup poll
revealed last year that 69% of Americans say transvestites should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their actual sex.

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