Megyn Kelly Brutally Fact Checks Bill Maher’s Left Wing Talking Points to His Face

News & Politics

For a while now, I’ve been willing to give left-wing comedian Bill Maher a lot of credit when he criticizes the radical left. He’s challenged left-wing orthodoxy enough that it’s actually newsworthy and important when he does. But at heart, he’s still a leftist who, as he proved in an appearance on “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM on Tuesday, still lets his rabid anti-Trumpism cloud his judgment.


During the show, while talking about the 2024 election and the choice between Biden and Trump, Maher argued that “you have to respect who wins an election or else you don’t have the kind of country we’ve always had before.”

To which Kelly pointed out, “Hillary Clinton, of course, is the original election denier. I’m sure you voted for her in ’16.”

“Well, she’s not an election denier,” Maher insisted.

“She absolutely was the OG election denier,” Kelly retorted.

“First of all, she came out before the sun had risen to concede the election to Trump,” Maher pushed back, as if that matters.

“And then spent the next four years saying he was illegitimate, he was an illegitimate president,” Kelly pointed out.

“Okay, well, first of all, she didn’t say he was an illegitimate,” Maher claimed.

“Yes, she did,”

 ”Tell me exactly what she said,” Maher challenged.

“She said those exact words repeatedly.”

Megyn Kelly, is, of course correct.

“You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” Hillary said in 2019.

She also claimed in an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning” that Donald Trump “knows he’s an illegitimate president.” 


Bill Maher can’t honestly claim to the contrary. Hillary is on the record multiple times denying the results of the 2016 election. The radical left simply chooses not to remember this, or claims it’s somehow different from Trump saying the 2020 election was stolen. 

Related: Everyone Around Biden Is an Election Denier, Including Him

Naturally, Bill Maher deflected.

“I mean, she conceded the election. Whether you’re interpreting her disappointment at losing it as the same thing as Trump not conceding it, I don’t know if that’s where you’re getting it from. But again, it’s a tremendous false equivalency.”

Of course it is, because it’s an inconvenient fact for the left who have accused Trump of being a threat to democracy for denying the 2020 election results. Yet Democrats have denied every Republican presidential victory since 2000.

For the record, Maher himself is also an election denier. As is Joe Biden.

During the same episode, Maher also falsely claimed that January 6 rioters killed Capitol Police officers.

“Like they didn’t show up at the Capitol and break windows and knock down doors and kill cops,” Maher said.

“They didn’t do that,” Kelly pointed out. “They didn’t kill cops.”


“They of course did,” Maher insisted.

“No, they didn’t,” Kelly said again.

“Who did? They died of natural causes that day?”

“Yeah, nobody died that day.”


“No, not true,” she pointed out, then challenged Maher to name names. 

Of course, he couldn’t.

“Oh, I don’t remember the names,” he said. 

Kelly then proceeded to explain that officer Brian Sicknick died the following day. According to the medical examiner’s report, he died of a stroke.

It’s really sad to see Maher, someone who claims to be well-informed, be so grossly wrong about well-established facts. It tells you just how badly leftists care more about the narrative than the truth.

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