Van Jones Claims Al Gore ‘Ripped Off’ by Supreme Court, Collins Silent

In another tumultuous segment of CNN’s The Source on Thursday, host Kaitlan Collins spoke with former Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan (R-GA) and former Obama official Van Jones. If ending the spread of misinformation was still a priority for CNN, they should rethink The Source entirely. Jones made outrageous claim after outrageous claim regarding Republicans, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and, most notably, how the Supreme Court “robbed and ripped off” former Vice President Al Gore of the presidency in 2000.

The segment was centered around Collins’s Wednesday interview with Cruz and her question regarding whether he would blindly accept the results of the upcoming election. In the past weeks, the media has been asking many Republicans the same question, appalled at their answer. All have claimed that all will stand with the results regardless of the outcome and as long as it is a fair process. Yet this is not enough for the leftist media.

Collins decried that Republicans would dare to point out when prominent Democrats, rejected Republican election victories. “…what you heard from Senator Cruz there. And we’ve heard this from other Republicans. If they point to comments made by people like Stacey Abrams in Georgia, and Hillary Clinton,” she bemoaned.

Therefore, it was no surprise when Jones accused these, and all Republicans, of losing poorly and “Failing kindergarten…on basic decency, basic fair play.”  These juvenile statements were followed up with ridiculous examples of Democrats losing fairly, but claiming their losses were illegitimate.

What example could he possibly be speaking of? Hillary Clinton referring to Trump as an “illegitimate President” in 2019, maybe? 

Nope. Jones claimed on live television that Gore had, “Been robbed and ripped off and mistreated by the Supreme Court…despite plenty of evidence that Al Gore could have pointed to.” A conspiracy theory that had been debunked many times over.

The most absurd part of this whole display was not those laughable comments, but the fact that Collin’s did not question this claim. Instead she calmly moved onto the next question:

And Geoff you know that’s what is kinda confounding about this is – You know I was looking at how different Republicans have answered this. Senator JD Vance in an interview, I believe with Dana Bash, said, “Yeah, if it’s a free and fair election Republicans will enthusiastically accept the results of it.” But why is it so difficult for the others to just say yes to that question? 

This was yet another display of a media system that was fine with Democratic opposition to Republican victories and ignoring the facts. A mighty double standard indeed.

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

CNN’s The Source
1:09:07 PM ET


KAITLYN COLLINS: Well Van, I mean, the question is how people deal with this – and Van I wonder what your response is to what you heard from Senator Cruz there. And we’ve heard this from other Republicans. Is they point to comments made by people like Stacey Abrams in Georgia, and Hillary Clinton. Though of course, Hillary Clinton gave a concession speech. We all watched it after the 2016 election. You know they do use those moments though in these arguments to say well, it’s the same thing even though, of course, John Kerry never condoned what was happening. Joe Biden when he was Vice President certified the election and the results of it on Capitol Hill.

VAN JONES: Well, I mean, you can cherry pick unfortunate comments from anybody, you know, Hillary Clinton, anybody else? Nobody’s perfect. But the question is, when it’s all said and done, do you do the thing that we’ve always done? You give your concession speech, you shake hands.

Look, we want our kids, after the end of the basketball game, after the end of little league, they line up, they shake hands, they appreciate each other. They come back the next Sunday, the next Saturday and try and do it again they try and do better. You got Republican party failing kindergarten now, on just basic decency, basic fair play. And yeah sure you can cherry pick, but it’s interesting to me, you don’t cherry pick anything else Democrats do to defend Republicans. So, why is this one behavior of a couple of people?

And also I remember in the year 2000, I’m old enough to remember in 2000. Al Gore coming before the country, when it was clear to us as Democrats that he had been robbed and ripped off and mistreated by the Supreme Court. We were angry. People would have gone to the streets in an instant, and Al Gore said, “I accept the Supreme Court’s decision, let’s move forward.” It was an act of courage. It was an act of patriotism. And we’ve seen nothing of the kind from this Republican Party, despite the fact that there’s plenty of evidence that Al Gore could have pointed to and none that they can point to.

So, what is patriotism mean if you only love the country when you win, you’re not a patriot.

KAITLAN COLLINS: And Jeff you know that’s what is kinda confounding about this is – You know I was looking at how different Republicans have answered this. Senator JD Vance in an interview, I believe with Dana Bash, said, “Yeah, if it’s a free and fair election Republicans will enthusiastically accept the results of it.” But why is it so difficult for the others to just say yes to that question?


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