The Morning Briefing: Merrick Garland’s KGB Is Keeping America Safe From Pro-Life Grandmas

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Esmehwerl never would reveal the inspiration for her semi-successful “Traditional Folk Motörhead Clog Ensemble.”


Attorney General Merrick Garland spent some time Capitol Hill on Tuesday, sparring with Republicans who, once again, were expressing their extreme displeasure with the way he does business but not really doing anything about it. 

Welcome to the United States of America’s never-ending nervous breakdown. 

Garland took umbrage with any suggestions that his Department of Justice has morphed into a vindictive goon squad that is motivated by exacting punishment upon the American Left’s political enemies. 

Gosh, wherever would we get an idea like that?

There’s enough stink in the Garland DOJ to be smelled at the International Space Station. His “How dare you!” attitude is the kind of smug arrogance usually seen in mob bosses who like to pretend that they’re legit and also think they’re untouchable. As the chief law enforcement officer in the land, Garland obviously is untouchable for now. 

One of the few things that the Republican Red Trickle majority in the House has been good at is the rough questioning of various unsavory characters in the Biden administration, including Garland and his chief attack dog, FBI Director Christopher Wray. As we have discussed many times here, nothing happens beyond the questioning, but it is good to get some of this stuff on record. 

The Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee did have a good go at Garland yesterday. Lincoln has video of a lot of it in this post, but he also covered something that really gives away the Garland DOJ priorities: 


Assistant Director Michael Nordwall of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division commented, “Today, the final defendant was sentenced in an elaborate conspiracy by 10 people to intentionally and forcibly block patients and workers from accessing a reproductive health clinic while streaming it live online. The FBI will not stand for anyone who violates federal laws causing destruction, injury, and violent attacks like this one. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of all Americans to safely access medical services and ensuring providers can perform their duties freely.”

The Daily Caller reports that Harlow is 75 years old. She is wheelchair-bound and suffers from Hashimoto’s disease and back pain that requires her to use a wheelchair. She is hardly the picture of a fiery, dangerous activist. Her attorney asked the judge for leniency, as did her husband, John. He told the court, “I feel like Paulette is dying. In my heart, I think she’s having a hard time staying alive.”

Paulette Harlow is the hardened criminal from the “elaborate conspiracy” that Nordwall was referring to. She was sentenced to two years in prison. At age 75. We’re meant to believe that she could “forcibly block” anyone from doing anything. 

Since the desiccated husk of Joe Biden began occupying the Oval Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been far more interested in going after pro-life activists who pray outside of abortion clinics than they have ferreting out illegal aliens who might end up killing cops


Garland may bristle when people say that the Dept. of Justice is politically motivated and that there are protected classes but the evidence is everywhere. 

The Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media have adopted a talking point to push back on that accusation. This is from my friend and colleague Matt Vespa at Townhall

Bolduan tried to neutralize this point of a biased Biden DOJ by claiming this same department is putting Hunter Biden on trial. That dog won’t hunt, either. We know the only reason why this trial is happening is because congressional Republicans unearthed damning evidence, specifically that the Biden DOJ had interfered in IRS investigations into the president’s son. These revelations were brought forward by whistleblowers, IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler. A sweetheart plea deal, which would have granted Hunter blanket immunity, was nearly closed until these two agents delivered their credible and damning testimony. It’s only then that the Biden Justice Department deep-sixed the deal.

That was from a CNN appearance. There was obviously a directive from on high at CNN, because ultra-hack Oliver Darcy wrote an article making the same easily-disproven point about Hunter Biden at yesterday. Because their base is that stupid they naturally assume that everyone is. 

As I recently wrote, the Democrats are already everything that they say they fear about Trump. Even if he did end up trying to do what they say he will if he’s elected again, he couldn’t possibly make the Dept. of Justice more lawless and corrupt than it is right now. 


If he does manage to overcome all of the lawfare and get elected, I would imagine that the DOJ will be the first place he cleans house and cleans up.

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Everything Isn’t Awful

SFK of the Day

The Most Delusional Paul Krugman Headline in the History of Delusional Paul Krugman Headlines

“Before we get into the meat of this lunatic missive of Krugman’s, I would just like to point out that the very notion that Biden has a success that could be downplayed is bat**** crazy. Call your therapist, professor, you’ve got issues that need to be dealt with. You may want to hit up a neurologist while you’re at it.”

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“The nice thing about being an opinion writer is that I get to tell you just how stupid something or someone is with every archly chosen word. To see the straightlaced Wall Street Journal do it, even if somewhat slyly, atop a straight news article tells you everything you need to know about how (un)seriously even the MSM takes Biden these days.”

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