Expert: CCP Views Itself as Center of the World

The CCP thinks that China, under its rule, should be the political center of the world. That’s not an exaggeration or speculation but fact.

Professor and China expert Christopher Balding wrote a commentary piece for The Epoch Times that provided an interesting analysis of Chinese  Communist Party (CCP) attitudes and plans as revealed at the recently ended Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. But what is particularly striking is Balding’s explanation of the CCP sense of dominance by right or destiny. The CCP absolutely has dreams of global empire and sees such a reality as its due, but few Westerners appear to know about or understand this ideology.


Balding analyzes how the technically accurate translation of China’s name as the “Middle Kingdom” can confuse the West. The word “middle” in Chinese does not exactly mean what Westerners might think, “the middle seat in a row, for instance,” as Balding put it. Rather, it might be understood as the center about which other things rotate, in the way planets revolve around the sun, for example; the sun is the “middle” of the solar system.

Balding then expanded on how the CCP has adopted and twisted such a theory in our own day. In 2010, the CCP’s minister of foreign affairs made the arrogant statement, “China is a big country, and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact.” It might sound like a Kamala Harris truism on the surface, but it actually reflects a dangerous egotism in how CCP-controlled China views itself in comparison to other nations.

The CCP, though an illegitimate and tyrannical regime, envisions itself as founding a Chinese empire, and making it more powerful than ever before in history. Nor will it wait forever to launch its plan. Indeed, it has already infiltrated many nations in preparation, including the U.S. 

“These ideas do not present a China that views other states as equal and capable of their own policies and viewpoints around which states will understandably differ,” Balding emphasized. Instead, the CCP sees other nations as “entities to control and dominate that subsume themselves under Beijing’s will regardless of agreement or law.” This is particularly key in understanding the CCP’s unjust claims on the independent and democratic nation of Taiwan.


It enrages Beijing that Taiwan even has second thoughts about giving up democracy and freedom to become a vassal of Beijing. Beijing does not care about the international tribunal decision, which it is a signatory of, that the South China Sea is not China’s sovereign land or that the Philippines remains sovereign in its coastal areas. Communist China considers itself the sovereign center, and all other countries, small as they might be, must lay prone before Beijing demands or risk incurring its wrath.

This also describes the CCP’s attitude to America, by the way. Unfortunately, the Biden administration loves to pander to the CCP and act as if the United States were already a vassal state of China’s rather than the leader of the free world. No wonder the Bidens were lavished with Chinese money.

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Balding concluded his piece with a warning, a warning particularly pertinent as a CCP military leader threatened “destruction” for anyone opposing the proposed CCP seizure of Taiwan:

A constant concern is that individuals and institutions become blind to the risks they always face until those risks become real. For years, the CCP has told us how it views the world and how others should behave. We must prepare as if the rhetorical threats convey how the Chinese regime will act in the future, all the while hoping it does not.


Wise advice. If only Western leaders, both political and economic, would follow it.

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