MTG Gives Fauci’s Beagle Torture Program New Oxygen

News & Politics

Whatever one thinks of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — the GOP establishment certainly has no love for her — she goes hard in the paint, as the kids say.     


The Fauci beagle torture program, which he bankrolled with public money through NIAID, had largely fallen out of the public consciousness to the extent it ever truly saw the light of day in the first place. Corporate state media certainly was never going to report on it, but it got decent traction (including by me and others at PJ Media) in the independent media.     

Related: Is Congressional Action to Stop Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Research Underway?

For a quick refresher on what hell Fauci put innocent beagles through for the sake of The Science™, let’s turn to White Coat Waste Project, which initially exposed the scandal three years ago.     

Via White Coat Waste Project (emphasis added):     

In 2021, WCW broke BeagleGate, which uncovered how Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wasted millions funding cruel and outdated experiments on beagle dogs and puppies in laboratories around the world, including his own labs in Washington, DC.

We exposed how Fauci funded a lab in Tunisia that drugged beagles and locked their heads in mesh cages full of biting flies so they could eat them alive.  The heartbreaking photo of the abused dogs spread like wildfire and sparked widespread condemnation of Fauci.

Not only did Fauci’s comrades, using public money gifted to them by Fauci, allow flesh-eating flies to have at the beagles’ flesh while their heads were locked in mesh cages and they had no self-defense mechanism; they also cut dogs’ vocal cords out so as to render them mute and therefore unable to bother the scientists with their protestations at their torture.     


Via (emphasis added):     

The NIAID acknowledged that the beagles used in the study underwent a procedure, known as a cordectomy, to prevent them from barking.

Vocal cordectomies, conducted humanely under anesthesia, may be used in research facilities where numerous dogs are present,” the statement said. “This is to reduce noise, which is not only stressful to the animals but can also reach decibel levels that exceed OSHA allowable limits for people and can lead to hearing loss.’

Editor’s note: This article is guaranteed to be demonetized by Google, as is any article exposing Public Health™ malfeasance.      

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