The Morning Briefing: Hostage Rescue Brings Out the Worst In the Worst People on Earth

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Panganthea had boundless energy for building what she hoped to be the world’s largest embroidered Abe Vigoda pillow collection. 


Ever since the horrific Hamas terrorist assault on Israel last October, we have been discussing the fact that it is very easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys in all that has followed.

Morally bankrupt leftists all over the world have thrown in with the terrorists. They pretend that it’s all about the poor innocents in Gaza, but Hamas is Gaza and Gaza is Hamas. Those fully grown Hamas terrorists aren’t being dispensed from a vending machine or being purchased off of Amazon, after all. 

The ugliness of this insanity has been compounded by hordes of ignorant college kids who have had their impressionable minds warped by commie professors. 

As is always the case with the leftists, there are no limits to how low they can go. The anti-Semitic rage we’ve seen from them these past eight months has been beyond awful. Unfortunately, they found new depths to plumb after the Israel Defense Forces rescued four hostages last week. They immediately looked for ways to taint a great cause for celebration — especially given the fact that many had lost hope that any hostages remained alive. 

Israel continues to fight for its survival while the Left’s smear machine works feverishly to turn public sentiment against it. As Richard Fernandez wrote over the weekend, the global public relations initiative might not be working out the way Hamas and its apologists want it to: 


Hamas has largely conceded the kinetic domain to Israel in view of the disparity in capabilities and is focusing on the political front. But propaganda success may have paradoxically worked against them. If Israel is to be accused of killing hundreds of civilians a day anyway, perversely for Hamas, they might as well do it on operations. Hence, the rescue. A realistic assessment of Hamas’ chances is that although its political and propaganda defense is hurting Israel, it is not stopping the IDF.

Israel also understands the true nature of the enemy it faces while its haters have convinced themselves that the Hamas terrorists will suddenly lose their mojo for killing Israelis if they are simply left alone now. 

These people don’t read a lot of history. 

The narrative since the rescue has truly been disgusting. Here is an example from my friend and colleague Ed Morrissey: 

“Their only crime was holding Israeli hostages in their home.” So, they were kidnappers. To the depraved Hamas sympathizers, they were “innocent.” Israeli leaders are wise not to be swayed by the opinions of lunatics who think like that. 

Here’s more on the blameless innocents from my friend Jennifer Van Laar at RedState: 


As we noted in numerous stories about Israel’s rescue mission, the four hostages rescued were not held in tunnels or prisons; they were held in the homes of alleged civilians in residential areas in Nuseirat. I say “alleged civilians” because if these people were holding Israeli hostages for eight months they’re absolutely part of Hamas and are combatants, not civilians.

One of those alleged civilians, it’s now confirmed, was Abdullah Al Jamal, who bills himself as a journalist and who most recently wrote for a United States-based 501(c)(3) NGO, The Palestine Chronicle. He also wrote at least one piece for Al Jazeera. The Israeli government confirmed Sunday that Al Jamal, who was neutralized by IDF rescuers, held three hostages captive in his family home

Once more, with feeling: Hamas is Gaza, and Gaza is Hamas. 

If I were being charitable, I would say that the people around the world who believe that there is a great distinction between the citizens of Gaza and the murderous members of Hamas are naive. Charity isn’t my strong suit anymore when it comes to the Left though. The “Free Palestine” loons are monumentally ignorant. 

Of course, the Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media are getting in on Twisting the story. This is from my HotAir colleague, Jazz Shaw

This is a story of two contrasting headlines. When Karen wrote about the rescue of four Israeli hostages by the IDF, she said “IDF Heroes Rescue Four Israeli Hostages Still Alive.” However, CNN initially took a very different approach during a segment featuring Victor Blackwell and Ian Bremmer. A chyron appeared during the segment declaring, “Gantz postpones news conference after hostage release.” Pardon me? Did you say… “release?” Hamas didn’t release anyone. The IDF undertook a bloody, dangerous mission to retrieve those four hostages and slay the monsters who had been holding them as prisoners and terrorizing them for eight months.


That’s straight-up propaganda work for Hamas right there. CNN is all-in on the destruction of Israel. 

We’re seeing just how monstrous the anti-Semitic, “Free Palestine” people are now. Yes, we’ve been seeing it since last October, but their pro-terrorist prevarication these past few days has been beyond the pale. What makes it even more repulsive is that they are all in sync with the Biden administration. The more that Biden gets desperate to appease the very vocal campus Brownshirts, the more his handlers will throw Israel under the bus. 

Yes, it is very simple to figure out who the good guys and bad guys are in this conflict. It’s a national tragedy that so many of the bad guys are higher-ups in the United States government. 

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