NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents


The liberal outlet Politico sent a reporter to watch the debate at a nursing home and the elderly residents slammed Biden’s poor performance.

You could not possibly make this up. Look:

The Politico piece is behind a paywall, but FOX News has some details:

Senior citizens concerned by Biden’s debate showing, believe ‘Biden is not a good performer’: report

Multiple senior citizens and residents at an assisted living facility in Chevy Chase, Maryland, told Politico they were uncomfortable with President Biden’s debate performance on Thursday night against former President Trump.

In one rambling statement on the American healthcare system, Biden declared during the debate: “We finally beat Medicare.”

Following that statement, 81-year-old Barbara Goldberg “put her head in her hands,” Politico reported, and repeated Biden’s words as she watched the event unfold.

“We finally beat Medicare?” she said.

“I don’t like to see [Biden’s] gaffes, but I don’t like to see Trump going haywire and cockamamie either,” Goldberg said.

“I think that he is rushing it, and he’s not looking at the camera for the most part,” 81-year-old Meg Maguire told Politico. Maguire was visiting the assisted living facility during the debate Thursday night.

How is this even real?

It’s like something out of the Babylon Bee, only it actually happened.

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