The Morning Briefing: We’re Still Open for Business!

News & Politics

Earth Will Be Closed Until Further Notice

It seems like just a few days ago that I was writing about the world’s coronavirus shutdown madness.

Oh wait, it was.

The weekend made Thursday and Friday look like calm, measured response days by comparison.

We here at PJ Media are lucky, we are all still working while so many in the country aren’t. Somebody has to write about all of this insanity, and these are heady times for those of us who have been working remotely for years. What we are calling “social distancing” now used to be referred to as my mood. Once I realized that I had enough toilet paper and vodka, I knew that this was the crisis I’ve been prepping for.

As Shutdown Mania picked up the pace the past few days it was disturbing to watch how readily people were willing to toss away some rights in the name of public health. Social media broke into two camps: those who are taking anything our government overlords are telling us, and those — like me — who are skeptical that all of this is necessary.

Gov. Gavin Newsom closed all of California’s bars right before St. Patrick’s Day, and also basically grounded Golden State residents over the age of sixty-five.

That’s a lot of people out of work for one of the biggest bar business days of the year.

What worries me is that a lot of politicians are in “never let a crisis go to waste” mode now and are using the panic to become heavy-handed nanny-state types, perversely using this as their moment to shine.

An old friend of mine from Los Angeles put it rather succinctly:

People are going to be out of work and money, and the pandering politicians have rushed in to assure them that the government will “help.” We’re tanking the economy but the government is going to magically have money to give to its citizens. Nobody has been able to successfully walk me through the math on that one yet.

This is going to be a brief Briefing today because there are only so many ways I can write “PUMP THE BRAKES!” I’m out of quarantine now but there is no place to go because everything but the grocery store is closed. I’m waiting for the government to shut down domestic air travel soon, so we can all go full Hunger Games on each other.

I may try some of the beers that were suggested in the comments on Friday and write about them.

Make Social Distancing Fun Again.

PJM Linktank

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VIP Gold

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From the Mothership and Beyond

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Sasse: Pelosi Tried To Include Abortion Funding In COVID-19 Spending Bill

No. NYC Mayor: Say, This Would Be A Great Time To Nationalize Some Private Industries

Just Say No To More Government Power In This Pandemic

Send This WaPo Visualization On Social Distancing To Everyone You Know

WaPo: Yeah, That Joe Biden Ad Gets Four Pinocchios

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4 ways to manage remote workers when you don’t know how long they’ll be working from home 

Reduct This

The Kruiser Kabana

I’ll be closing my mind for a while now.


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PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”

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