HUGE: Over 100 House Republicans Support Texas Election Lawsuit

News & Politics

On Thursday, 106 House Republicans signed an amicus brief in support of the lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, which seeks to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin over widespread irregularities and accusations of voter fraud.

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), the Republican Study Committee chairman and a strong Trump ally, led the effort to garner support for the amicus brief.

“This brief presents [our] concern as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections,” reads the amicus brief.

The brief was signed by key Republicans, including Minority Whip Steve Scalise (La.); Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio), a member of the Judiciary Committee; Chair of the conservative Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.); and incoming Republican Study Committee chairman Rep. Jim Banks (Ind.). Notably missing from the list is House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.). McCarthy has declined to directly say whether or not he supports the lawsuit, telling reports on Thursday, “The president has a right for every legal challenge to be heard. He has the right to go to the Supreme Court with it, yes.”


Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

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