Lawyers Argue Employers Can “Legally” Require COVID-19 Vaccinations (VIDEO) #MyBodyMyChoice


Washington state attorneys say employers can force employees to take the COVID vaccine.

It is more likely a child or young adult dies by drowning than COVID but this is what the leftists are pushing.

More Children Die from Car Crashes and Drowning Each Year than Coronavirus — But Teachers Want to Keep Schools Closed

What the hell happened to our country?


Whatever happened to “my body, my choice?”

KREM2 reported:

It’s a simple question: Can my employer require me to get a coronavirus vaccine?

While the news is full of pictures of happy and relieved nurses, doctors and other frontline medical workers getting their first round of the Pfizer vaccine this week, various polls suggest not everybody is on board, even including some people in health care.

“The question is not totally settled yet, because the vaccine has not been generally available,” said Everett attorney Todd Nichols, who handles employment law cases. “But the consensus in the employment law community is that an employer can require a vaccination.”

Nichols said employers can require drivers of its vehicles to wear seat belts, and schools require vaccines.

“For example, it’s legal for an employer to hire non-smokers,” said Nichols.

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