Biden to Propose a ‘Path to Citizenship’ For 11 Million Illegal Aliens

News & Politics

In his first few days in office, Joe Biden will send a massive immigration reform bill to Congress, the centerpiece of the bill being legalizing 11 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States. In addition, he will offer a path to citizenship for DACA recipients as well as certain refugees who are in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status.

What’s more, Biden will not offer further border security measures to Republicans to sweeten the deal. Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center and one of the prime movers behind the legislation, wants to tell Republicans to go hang. “This notion concerning immigration enforcement and giving Republicans everything they kept asking for … was flawed from the beginning,” she said.

Los Angeles Times:

Biden’s proposal lays out what would be the most sweeping and comprehensive immigration package since President Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which granted legal status to 3 million people who were in the country without documentation.

Under Biden’s plan, immigrants would become eligible for legal permanent residence after five years and for U.S. citizenship after an additional three years — a faster path to citizenship than in previous immigration bills.

Previous attempts at finding a path to citizenship for illegals have met with disaster. One plan envisioned illegals having to leave the country and reenter after they’ve paid any outstanding tax debt. Some illegals have worked off the books for 20 years or more and could never afford that kind of tax bill.

Biden is proposing amnesty. There’s no other way to characterize it.

Several immigration activists who spoke with The Times praised the reported scope and scale of the bill and expressed surprise at its ambition. A number of legislators and analysts had predicted that the new administration, at least in its first months in power, would be likely to pursue immigration measures that would stir the least controversy and could be achieved by executive actions rather than legislation.

“I think this bill is going to lay an important marker in our country’s history,“ said Lorella Praeli, an immigrant and longtime activist who has been talking with Biden’s staff, noting that the measure “will not seek to trade immigration relief for enforcement, and that’s huge.”

No talk from the Biden people about future immigration enforcement, which basically means open borders. No allowances will be made for those in the country for 10 or 20 years versus those here for 6 months. The bill, on its face, is unfair, unjust, and not passable.

But one former Trump administration immigration official is right about the attitude of people shifting.

Leon Rodriguez, who was director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services from 2014 to 2017, said that “the public attitude toward immigration enforcement is at a different place in 2021 than it was at any point prior to the Trump administration.”

“I think there just has been a lot of things about how immigration enforcement was executed under the Trump administration that didn’t sit right with a lot of Americans, and that just creates a different attitude toward these matters and a different political calculation,” he said.

What to do with people who have been here for 20 years, worked, paid taxes, educated their kids, and are valued members of their community? There are millions of illegals with millions of stories to tell. If that story was repeated 11 million times, the decision would be easy.

But the sad fact is, that many illegals are not “valued members of the community.” How do you weed out the undesirables from those we might want? Isn’t that the whole point of having an immigration system so that law abiding, hard working people can be allowed into the United States in an orderly, sane manner to live and work?

Joe Biden’s plan is not orderly or sane. It is a catastrophe in the making.

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  1. All of us will pay for this as usual and our children and grand children will be living in second world chaos and communism under the Fraud elected joke Joe Biden and Harris when they are coronated AS KING AND QUEEN THIS COMING TERRIBLE WEDNESDAY the end of the United States as we knew it!! God help us! We are in deed trouble.

  2. AND , I for ONE hope that they ALL park their SORRY BUTT’S on and Around the US Capital and on the Residence Homes where CHINA JOE and HO HARRIS live.

  3. How many damn years they been using 11 million while at the same time 1 million caught illegals crossed the border? It’s going to be the same result as the last amnesty were there are 2.5 times as many as they think! There are 25+ million illegals in this country! Go hangot at a Walmart and tell me there are only 11 million!!!

  4. Why have borders? Just let in anyone that wants to come in. That is what the democrats want. Future democratic voters. They can only win be fraud and illegals voting.

  5. All the dumocrats will pay for this because, obviously, they will all vote dumocrat at every election. As some did on this past presidential election.

  6. 11 MiIIion NEW WELFARE CASES……11 MiIIion NEW IGNORANT DEMOCRATIC Voter Registrations….may Biden and the Democrat’s ROT in HeII for what they are doing to the USofA

  7. Typical dimocraps, reward those breaking our laws and expect those of us working and paying taxes to pay for it! NO there will be no “unity” as long as these sorts of policies guide Beijing Biden !

  8. The only pathway to citizenship the that needs to be considered for people here illegally, including DACA, is the path back to their home country.

  9. I used to want to call him dementia Joe, now I can’t come up with a name that describes my absolute hate for the 2 lovers and that disturbs me!

  10. If I am forced to have to pay for an illegal alien, then I should have the right to kill an illegal alien.

    1. Literally what the fuck is wrong with you. Dropped as a child? Eat lead paint? There has to be some reason for why you are so fucking stupid. Fuckyoujessesharpton and your wackass hillbilly views. You deserve to suffer.

  11. I love how the comment about paying taxes is always added to articles about illegal aliens.

    First of all, what taxes are they talking about? If it’s Federal and State income taxes, that comment is most likely false. When you work off the books, there are no taxes taken from you. Nor do I suspect the illegals file their taxes like us citizens are forced to do each year.

    Should the illegal have a job and be taxed, how can any taxes be taken without a SSN or other ID (remember illegal)? A stolen SSN causes huge problems for the person owning the SSN. Anyway, the illegal worker can declare that he/she will not earn enough to owe taxes and none will be taken. Again, the burden goes to the CITIZEN owning the SSN.

    The only way they will be taxed is thru sales tax which everyone must pay. While this is not $0, it is much less than what should be paid in income taxes.

    Oh BTW, welcome to the 11m new Dem voters. Dems will sell their souls to the devil for votes.

    1. Something tells me this mass amnesty would be unconstitutional. Taken to it’s logical conclusion, what is to stop congress from allowing wide open borders and full citizenship/amnesty for all THOSE illegal immigrants?

      Flooding the county with millions of foreign nationals would be like and invasion. Millions of jobs would be needed to support these people. Millions of American would be forced to compete with these millions of foreigners willing to work for a pittance. Or, all would go on welfare, American & foreigner alike, and how will the govt realistically pay for that?

      No. I just don’t believe our constitution would allow congress to do that, legally.

    2. There goes your social security that you paid into so you could retire when the time comes now they will be getting there share and you will get nothing

    3. Can you literally just look up what an ITIN number is before you start making up bullshit statements.

  12. Someone – and it certainly wouldn’t have been acosta even if he had not been bumped up because of his ongoing harassment of DJT – if slow joe and the anchor baby lock their doors when they are away. Add in whether they would allow freeloaders to simply walk in to their houses and take up residence.
    A previous poster said that the freeloaders of any type should all camp out on his and her property. We already know how ‘princess’ reacts to trespassers and I’d bet the other 2 would do the same.

  13. Why not first take care of our hardworking taxpaying citizens who the Democrats continue to prove they despise and don’t give a tinkers damn about. It’s all about the votes and their insatiable power grab to control our lives. Look at the facts of what is taking place and think about that fundamental transformation that Obummer promised. It simply translates to Communism which we are fast headed for under the Democrats who seek to rule rather than govern. And there IS a difference.

  14. there is already a legal path. let them use that or go back where they came from. I haven’t worked all my life to end up supporting a bunch of lazy illegals. We support enough lazy people in congress now

  15. They indicate that many of the illegals have worked 20yrs off the books.So ,hello that means they never contributed to Ss,or unemployment.So let’s give them a free ride that we didn’t get and pay their way for all the benefits.Foot Yup crazy joe!

  16. GOD, Please save us from this Communist Madness. Strike down these zealots who seek dominion over us and plan to deliver us as slaves to China. May the ill gotten gains of the Clintons, Bidens, Pelosies, Fiensteins, etc., etc. all the criminal treasonous Democrats be taken from them and destroyed.

  17. The only thing that is going to save us is Trump releasing Martial Law. Otherwise there will never be another democrat and America will no longer be a Republic but a Socialist/Communist country. The demonic party is the anti-christ and it’s going to get worse. George Soros dream is becoming real.

  18. This is a beautiful thing. We can also take the money Trump got from Mexico for the wall to help. Remember we are all immigrants. Most of our ancestors cam her illegally

    1. I do not know where YOUR forefathers came from, but, you have your facts very wrong. MOST of the immigrants who settled America did NOT come here illegally. The country appealed to the world for people to come here and tart new lives, because we NEEDED a population. They registered, and completed the required activities to be legal. They valued citizenship very highly, and were Proud to be Americans. They worked hard, and contributed much to the early development of America. It was HARD, and not all of them succeeded. IF we simply GIVE AWAY something as important as USA Citizenship, it will have no value or meaning to these, other than what they stand to gain. We cannot take care of our OWN now, how will we provide jobs and homes for another 10-20 million. They need to apply, and then earn their right to live and work, and VOTE here.

    2. ???? most of our ancestors came here legally through Ellis Island. They didn’t come in illegally. When El Chap was arrested he had millions in cash. That was de facto Mexican money that went to pay for the wall.

  19. These immigration proposals as well as the Census being designed not to ask about citizenship, despite Census results dictating Federal spending and representation in the House, are designed to muddy the water until automatic citizenship is conferred on anyone within these borders. Birth citizenship, a fraud if ever there was one, was not enough for them and we’ll have 30 million new “citizens”, many of whom can’t speak English and have no understanding of our system. Citizenship is now a meaningless commodity. In fact, you don’t even have to be one to vote.
    We need a merit-based immigration system, and we need it now.

  20. The America we wake up to today, is one of discontent and disillusion, but our spirit still burns strong within all True Patriots!

    We will never back down nor cower in the face of adversity!

    We will always stand up for the truth and fight the good fight!

    Our time to rise is at hand and our Nation is calling upon us to lead them out of this misery!

    The greatest President in the history of our nation since Abraham Lincoln, President Donald J. Trump has said, “We will never concede, especially when theft is involved…,” and that, “This is only the beginning of our Incredible Journey to Make America Great Again.”

    Let us honor President Trump’s words and of the great Abraham Lincoln…

    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”—Abraham Lincoln

  21. United States of America stands tall in the comity of democratic nations and a beacon of hope for all aspiring civil liberties of the world. This means it stands on the tripod of law and order, democracy and unexstinguishing liberties as propounded by the founding fathers. The Biden administration may have to follow the law in attempt to attain its lofty policies.
    May God bless the USA.
    Obialor Joseph.

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